View Full Version : Acne

27-04-08, 18:42
Well the good news is the past few days i've been feeling pretty good and my light headedness has been under control but once again when i start to feel good something else pops up and tosses me back to the ground and puts me back into a state of panic and anxiety! You know the saying "If it's not one thing it's another" Thats seems to be the story of my life..

Anyway I've had bad acne since i was at least 15 and i'm now 27 and i've been on minocycline for acne for the past few years and i decided i dont want to be on these damn pills anymore so i stopped taking them and 2 weeks my skin was great and i was so happy that maybe i could stop taking them for good but my acne has got worse again and i'm so down! I want to stay off the pills but as it looks now i may have to go back on them.

I'm wondering if anxiety is the root cause of my acne cause i've had GAD and Panic since i could remember..

Anyone else still get acne in their late 20's? or 30's or even 40's here? Because i'm so fed up of it! Any tips? I hate these damn pills!

Help lol

27-04-08, 18:54
I am 32 (33 July) and suffer with chronic acne and i have a face full of scars too.

I have no tips sadly. I detest what i see in the mirror.

27-04-08, 19:23
Hi! JOe

I had cystic acne when i was a teenager, I was put on a drug called roaccutane for three months and it completely cured that form of acne. Prior to this I had spent two years on oxytetracycline (sp?) and also tried homeopathic remedies.
Roaccutane is a steriod derived from Vitamin A. There is also another form of this called biaccutane. I did find the roaccutane unbelievably effective, however for reasons I can't remember ( and not to put you off at least asking your Gp) I remember that I had to have blood tests done evry month and before I took it, because apparently some people can't have it. I also had to have a card permanently on my person to say I was on the drug.

I'm 35 now and although I still get the odd spot ( I think loadsa people do) I have never experienced anything like I did in my teens, and I do have scars on my face and back from those days.

Its an option to consider anyway! And remember.......skin is only skin deep. It really is what's inside that counts.

27-04-08, 19:32
I have recently had an out break of bad acne on my face for the first time in my life, I have only really ever got the odd spot but about 4 or 5 weeks ago my whole face was covered in spots.

I still have them now, I'm using all sorts of cleansers, toners and moisturisers to try and clear it but nothing really seems to be working. I'm hoping mine was caused by stress and will go sometime soon.

Mine does seem to flare up most when i have just washed my face and then settles a bit after about and hour i try and use cool water as hot water can irritate it even more.

Hope this helps a bit.