View Full Version : A little bit of advice please.....pretty please?

27-04-08, 20:55
Hi all, have been suffering with panic attacks on and off for quite some time now. Two years ago I finally decided to see a doctor about it and he put me on 10mg of cipralex and it wotrked a treat.

Now, a few weeks back I felt my panic attacks coming back. I went to the doctor and he upped my dosage to 20mg and gave me sleeping tabs for the first two weeks.

All was good(ish) until I stopped taking the sleeping pills. Today has been awful, worse than it was when I upped my dosage. The question I have is, I have been on my new dosage for coming up to three weeks and I kinda figured that by now, my body would have got used the increase so why have I had such a poo day???? Is it the that the meds aren't working? Is it (possibly) withdrawl symptom of the sleeping pills? Is it just a side effect from the upped dosage?

This time I have completely cut out tea (of which I was drinking nearly 10 cups a day before) and now just drink water. My diet is pretty good too.

Anyone wanna hazard a guess as to why I have gone so far backwards????

27-04-08, 21:31
Hi sam....i would guess its a side effect of coming off the sleeping pills.. it can take some adjusting physically when we start or stop meds......i wouldn't worry too much about it tho cos im sure things will settle back down within a couple of days.. meds can help with our anxiety but im sure the fact that you have been feeling better also has a lot to do with the confidence that the meds are giving you and positive thinking that has come from that confidence .:yesyes: .... give yourself a few more days to get the sleeping tabs out of your system and im sure you will feel better again ...keep posting to let us know how you are getting on.....
Best Wishes :bighug1:

27-04-08, 21:37
thanks for replying bluebell. I was thinking of taking a sleeping pill tonight to get to sleep. i haven't taken one since last tuesday. do you think that's a bad idea? i just need some sleep is all.

27-04-08, 22:31
I think in view of the fact that you have come off the sleeping pills so quickly it must be them that have made you feel so terrible today.

I have to say any form of med that you come of and on so definately can make you feel a little different depending on the med.

I was on propranalol for a few years and came of them immediately when I became pregnant. I felt absolutely terrible but thought it was the pregnancy!! It wasnt until I had seen the doctor that he told me that no it wasnt my new little bump causing me the problem but coming off the meds. By then I had gone through it all so was seeing a light at the end of the tunnel but wouldnt like to go through it all again.

I myself am now off the meds but do see a definate change in my anxiety when I change my vitamins and diet. I decided after speaking to Milly and Meg on this site that I would go down the vitamins and diet route instead of meds. I no longer drink tea, coffee or coke etc. I only drink camomile or water. I do drink quite a lot of water as some sites say anxiety is linked to dehydration.

Let us know whether you decided to take that sleeping tablet.


28-04-08, 01:34
Could be the withdrawal of those pills, if not, maybe the 20mg doesn't agree with you.

28-04-08, 03:05
This is another angle you ought to look at...

This is from your previous post...

For nearly two years I have been on 10mg of cipralex and have felt almost back to normal. (Maybe you just had a bad day or the pressures that caused them no longer existed?)

To be honest I haven't even thought about panic attacks for a long time,
(Which is why you've not had one since.)

and then, last week, I went shopping and had a panic attack.
(Due to "new" stresses in your life or a bad day.)

Ever since then I have been in a permanant state of panic.
(Because you've now started thinking about them again)

Cipralex has suddenly stopped doing anything.
(Maybe it was never working before anyway?)

Panic attacks often occur because of stresses in our lives and after we've experienced one, we often become so afraid of them coming back that we "worry" ourselves into making them re-occur because we're always "thinking" about when the next one will be.

It maybe that Cipralex "appears" to have suddenly stopped working because you've started to "think" about panic attacks again which is now making you feel more panicky again rather than the Cipralex ever having any real effect.

If you can go back to not "thinking" about having a panic attack you'll probably be fine unless the stresses in your life that caused your recent panic attack still exist.

The sleeping tablets are a separate issue I feel. Your body has simply reacted to not having them.

I would though ask yourself what's been going on in your life recently that may have caused your recent panic attack before you pin your hopes on the Cipralex like before or you may be faced with this situation again in the future.

Just a thought.

28-04-08, 12:10
I think in view of the fact that you have come off the sleeping pills so quickly it must be them that have made you feel so terrible today.

I have to say any form of med that you come of and on so definately can make you feel a little different depending on the med.

I was on propranalol for a few years and came of them immediately when I became pregnant. I felt absolutely terrible but thought it was the pregnancy!! It wasnt until I had seen the doctor that he told me that no it wasnt my new little bump causing me the problem but coming off the meds. By then I had gone through it all so was seeing a light at the end of the tunnel but wouldnt like to go through it all again.

I myself am now off the meds but do see a definate change in my anxiety when I change my vitamins and diet. I decided after speaking to Milly and Meg on this site that I would go down the vitamins and diet route instead of meds. I no longer drink tea, coffee or coke etc. I only drink camomile or water. I do drink quite a lot of water as some sites say anxiety is linked to dehydration.

Let us know whether you decided to take that sleeping tablet.


Hi, thanks for replying. i took the sleeping pill and it knocked my stright out, which was nice. Sadly I woke up at 7am. I am still in bed, as I just can't move. Have called my doctor, and I am apparently getting a call back at some point. Fingers crossed for me. :weep::weep::weep:

28-04-08, 12:46
UPDATE: Right just spoke to my doctor. He didn't really say much. He gave me the telephone number for my local MIND place and arranged a house visit for tomorrow. Is there any point in giving them a call? Or are they just going to reel off the same garb, 'Do excercise and distract yourself.' If so, I don't think I'll bother.

Any ideas?

28-04-08, 13:32
ANOTHER UPDATE: I rang MIND. The lady was very nice. She is sending out an information pack and a questionarre. She told me that they offer councelling but the waiting list is about 6-8 weeks, and that is just to process the info. Councelling waiting list could be longer. I'm not entirely sure what to think about it, but I am glad I called them as I am doing what I can.

Feeling pretty low right now though. Although, I must say, just writing how I feel seems to have relieved...something. Maybe it's because I am making concious effort to DO something. Still in bed though. I know I can get out of bed, but I don't want to. Does that make sense? I just have no desire to do anything. I haven't seen anyone apart from my doctor or my flatmates since my birthday (29th March), I haven't been out out since my panic attacks returned. I have gone to the shops, but since I live about a shop on the high street that is no real achievement. It's not so much that I feel lonely (as some people experience which is awful) it's more that I have no motivation, no desire to do, watch, read anything. I am just staring at my laptop, clock-watching and waiting for when I can take another sleeping pill which, my doctor said on the phone, I can do.

The bad taste it leaves doesn't bother me too much. I just wish I could find a method (medication or otherwise) that can stop me from obsessing about it all.

It's not like I don't have hobbis or anything. Over the past two years, whilst on the cipralex, I have been writing a novel which isn't far from completion. I also play guitar. I was in band for a number of years but since my panic attacks that kind of fell apart. I still write songs . But right now, the desire for both of these is nill. I want to finish the book as I feel that would be a great achievement yet at the same time, I feel that I need to be in a better state mentally to actually do that. So that in itself is somewhat of a vicious circle.

Sorry about how long this has turned out to be and I hope none of you mind me writing all this.

To all those suffering out there, I send my deepest sympathies and hope that tomorrow will be a better day for us all. Sadly that old cliche of "one day at a time" is really the only option. Grin and bear it and hope tomorrow is easier.

28-04-08, 15:04

28-04-08, 15:28
Hi Sam
Sorry to hear you are going through a tough time. I was on sleeping tablets and other medication some time ago now, but the effects for me were too much and I weaned myself off, and now do everything through diet and vitamins and self help. I know for some that this is not always possible. When I came off Seroxat I did so by slowly decreasing the amount I was taking over a period of time. It does take time for your body and mind to readjust.Did you come off the sleeping tablets immediately or ? If so I wld say reduce them gradually. Maybe your body is trying to deal with the withdrawal of the sleeping pills and also the upped dosage of the other medication. Get as much rest and be as good to yourself as possible. Have you not seen anyone in a month??? Do you have family who you can be around and chat with? Do your flatmates help you in any ways? I live on my own and have shut myself off from mostly everyone and I know it is no good, and wld be enought to send most people into an anxiety state who dont get anxiety/panic attacks! I do 'force' myself to get out there even with all the panic attacks I get. I think it is essential you are having some form of contact with someone. At least you have this site too which for me is a godsend.
I really hope things improve for you. Sorry if I have rambled on lots.

28-04-08, 15:50
Hi Carla, thank you for replying.

To answer your questions:
I have only been taking the sleeping pills for two weeks (the one I took last night was the fourteenth as I tried to stop them a day earlier than my doctor said so that if I felt bad, I might be able to take one).

I can't tell you how many friends I've lost over the years because of this. Nowadays I rarely get calls from many people, especially as I've hit the age where people have careers and marriages and things. I see my flatmates daily, obviously, but apart from that, no one else. One is my girlfriend who, bless her, is trying really hard to understand but she just gets teary when she sees me like this. Poor lass. Must be difficult for her. Both her and my other flatmate do try and are very nice, kind and considerate but I play down how I feel most of the time as I don't want them to worry. Last night however I was in a bit of a state and that really upset my girlfriend. She feels hopeless. I would too if I were her. I try to tell her that this is something she can't help me with and that it is something only I can put right. But I do fear she is struggling just as much as I am in some ways. Her life is on hold as well as mine which isn't fair.

My parents live too far away to see them. I do speak to them regularly on the phone. My brother lives quite near but I am kinda too afraid to see him as I don't want him to worry.

So there's that. I don't really know what else to say except that thank you so much for responding Carly.

28-04-08, 16:08
Hi again
Maybe it is the increased dosage of your medication that is causing this? I would read up on it all as much as possible online and make sure that your gp listens properly to how you are feeling. Sometimes I feel the effects of prescribed medication can be worse than the actual symptoms of the reason why we first took it! I understand about 'playing things down' as I used to do that. My ex boyfriend was the most supportive helpful and caring kind person I ever knew. However how I am put a huge strain on the rship and it ended on Saturday after 2 years. I know now that I shldnt have put all my troubles on him and that I should have got some counselling, however I did try but was told there is a massive waiting list in my area, and I cannot afford to go privately. I am now asking for CBT to try and help me. I think it is really important not to burden everything onto your partner, no matter how bad you feel cos some people just cant cope with it all even tho they do love us. I cut off all my friends over a year ago, fell out with all my family and walked out on really good jobs and never ever let people get close to me. I know it is because of how I view things and the panic attacks and anxiety and the whole negative thing going on. I shut myself away and I am now agaraphobic to an extent. I only had my boyfriend who helped, so now not only has the rship ended but I have to work twice at hard at getting out, and not give in to the panic attacks, as I need to get out just to get shopping, let alone all the rest. I think the only thing is diet, vitamins, natural remedies, CBT/counselling, thinking positive even when you feel anything but, and just getting out there and saying you are not giving in to the panic/anxiety and confronting it. I know that if I didnt go out I wld never see anyone for months until however long it took for me to get out again. I live in quite a rural place too which doesnt help. My gp is useless so I gave up on him and told him so. I last told him I felt suicidal ~ he prescribed Seroxat and told me to go back in 3 weeks time! lol I hope you get the help you need. You are very lucky to have people around you including your partner even if it is only a few people. I would love that! I would love one person around! lol Keep posting and let us all know how you are doing.

28-04-08, 16:17
Dear sam,
im sorry you are having such a rough day although it is brilliant you managed to make the call to mind-that's taking action in one way.I find that if i can go out and surround myself with people in a street, at a bus stop whatever it helps ground me and stop my thoughts running away from me. It doesn't matter that the shops are on your doorstep, it's all progress! I really sympathise as I know how it feels when you are stuck in a cycle. Mine usually happen at night when i can't go out and distract myself-reading helps then. Any good for you?

28-04-08, 16:34
Hi again
Maybe it is the increased dosage of your medication that is causing this? I would read up on it all as much as possible online and make sure that your gp listens properly to how you are feeling. Sometimes I feel the effects of prescribed medication can be worse than the actual symptoms of the reason why we first took it! I understand about 'playing things down' as I used to do that. My ex boyfriend was the most supportive helpful and caring kind person I ever knew. However how I am put a huge strain on the rship and it ended on Saturday after 2 years. I know now that I shldnt have put all my troubles on him and that I should have got some counselling, however I did try but was told there is a massive waiting list in my area, and I cannot afford to go privately. I am now asking for CBT to try and help me. I think it is really important not to burden everything onto your partner, no matter how bad you feel cos some people just cant cope with it all even tho they do love us. I cut off all my friends over a year ago, fell out with all my family and walked out on really good jobs and never ever let people get close to me. I know it is because of how I view things and the panic attacks and anxiety and the whole negative thing going on. I shut myself away and I am now agaraphobic to an extent. I only had my boyfriend who helped, so now not only has the rship ended but I have to work twice at hard at getting out, and not give in to the panic attacks, as I need to get out just to get shopping, let alone all the rest. I think the only thing is diet, vitamins, natural remedies, CBT/counselling, thinking positive even when you feel anything but, and just getting out there and saying you are not giving in to the panic/anxiety and confronting it. I know that if I didnt go out I wld never see anyone for months until however long it took for me to get out again. I live in quite a rural place too which doesnt help. My gp is useless so I gave up on him and told him so. I last told him I felt suicidal ~ he prescribed Seroxat and told me to go back in 3 weeks time! lol I hope you get the help you need. You are very lucky to have people around you including your partner even if it is only a few people. I would love that! I would love one person around! lol Keep posting and let us all know how you are doing.

I am coming round to the idea that it might be due to the increased dosage, it's just that, this sucks!!!! Anyway I guess I am very lucky to have people around like that but you know, when you're in that place, things like that are no consolation. In my opinion I don't think it matters I had 100 friends or 1, I still feel the same and there's nothing anyone else can do about it anyway so I guess we both have to keep on trucking!

I have a sneaking suspicion that I will be posting here A LOT for the next few days at least!:wacko::wacko::wacko:

28-04-08, 16:37
Dear sam,
im sorry you are having such a rough day although it is brilliant you managed to make the call to mind-that's taking action in one way.I find that if i can go out and surround myself with people in a street, at a bus stop whatever it helps ground me and stop my thoughts running away from me. It doesn't matter that the shops are on your doorstep, it's all progress! I really sympathise as I know how it feels when you are stuck in a cycle. Mine usually happen at night when i can't go out and distract myself-reading helps then. Any good for you?

Thanks Hati. Yes, reading a book can help sometimes for me too. I love reading and I think I have stopped reading recently as I don't want to taint or relate the experience to having a panic attack. Actually, thinking about, that's why I am not doing much right now other than staring at the laptop as I don't want to taint activities I enjoy with the memories of panic attacks. Does that make sense?

That being said, I am out of bed now. Albeit to the sofa in my bedroom. I have eaten too which also has made me feel a bit better too.

Thanks again Hait.

28-04-08, 16:46
Hi again
Maybe you cld try some different medication if you asked your gp? as well as doing all the self help stuff - try and pinpoint what started the panic attacks. I dont recommend prescribed medication but I do know it does really help some people. I can understand what you say when you say it doesnt matter if you have 1 or 100 people in your life, either way if you are feeling really bad then numbers dont matter at all but generally speaking from my own experience it is good to have at least 1 person around, however I drove mine away with all my complaining I know that. Hopefully MIND will be able to help you and its good that you have taken postive steps in contacting them.

28-04-08, 20:23
Hi again
Maybe you cld try some different medication if you asked your gp? as well as doing all the self help stuff - try and pinpoint what started the panic attacks. I dont recommend prescribed medication but I do know it does really help some people. I can understand what you say when you say it doesnt matter if you have 1 or 100 people in your life, either way if you are feeling really bad then numbers dont matter at all but generally speaking from my own experience it is good to have at least 1 person around, however I drove mine away with all my complaining I know that. Hopefully MIND will be able to help you and its good that you have taken postive steps in contacting them.

Hey now hang on a minute there lady. First of all you didn't drive him away. I mean, I don't know much about anything but I do know this: Your man leaving wasn't your fault, it was his. It was him that couldn't cope with the situation, not you. Besides, I think sometimes it would be easier to cope without people around anyway. It gives you time to find coping mechanisms and makes you less reliant on others.

Anyways, I thought I'd add another update too. I am feeling a great deal better than I was this afternoon. I have eaten and, I think partly to the lovely peeps on here, I have more confidence in myself. Of course, I understand now that there are going to be ups and downs, but that's all part of the healing process. Anyway, I'll give you guys an update again later. Thanks.