View Full Version : Nursing

27-04-08, 21:29
Sorry 2 posts in 5 minutes but they're completely unrelated so I thought they should be separated.

Well, I am starting a Nursing Degree in October at University. There are 2 things I'm worried about. One is, I'm not sure if I have to have a blood test before I start the course for health clearance. It's not the actual test I'm worried about but the results! What if it finds some hidden disease I didn't know about?! t's really scaring me :(

Two is, I am indeed a health anxiety sufferer, a hypochondriac if you will. I love everything medical and health related though but I have a tendency that when I read about certain illnesses I suddenly start having all the symptoms of it! I'm worried that as a nurse it's going to make this even worse, my mom even jokes about it but she doesn't realise how serious worrying about my health affects me. Is there anyway of coping with this imediate reaction to hearing about illnesses? I no way want to give up my nursing career before I've even started!!

27-04-08, 23:40
Thanks for your reply, thats reassuring. :)

I'm going for children's nursing, and I'm based in Wolverhampton. I'm just nervous about having some disease that I don't even know about o.O
I did a weeks work experience at a childrens ward and I was fine but I'm just worried as I learn about more in depth things it might make me anxious.

28-04-08, 01:00
Thankyou very much, I think it's just because I'm classed as a child right now. I'm only 17 :( I'll be 18 by the time I start uni though. Oh and I'm used to lots of colds and tummy bugs, I already work in a pharmacy :P

I really should sleep, my chest being tight is keeping me awake. ¬.¬