View Full Version : Losing your days??

01-04-05, 20:53
Hi all

As I keep boring everyone with the same I was hoping someone maybe could help me out.
Due to massive panic and trauma I have gone into Dp and DR this is affecting my time control. Cant feel days have no idea about them and the past and future dont exist. Am in a limbo time and feel very Groundhog day!! Has anyone else had this and what can I do to help. I feel very alone and desparate. I think that I am going out of my mind and noone is listening to me. The psychiatrist just told me to view it as an inconveniance. Oh yeah like its that easy.

please is there anyone out there who can help me out I am gradually losing the will to live and fight.



01-04-05, 21:18
Hi Jan

It is an inconvenience we both know that but the psychiatrist telling you that isnt going to help you as you are looking for answers and reassurance.

When i have panic attacks i feel days merge in to a week and i am not sure what day it is. I need something constructive in my life that keeps me on track so i know what is happening.

You arent alone in how you feel, i just think about when it has been the easter weekend how many of my friends with been off work for a couple of extra days lost track of time.

I am finding it hard at the moment as i am off work and no day is different to the other and it hard.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

01-04-05, 23:00

I understand how you feel.
When my anxiety/panic took hold, a few months ago, I was already retired.....so creating routines for myself was already up to me entirely. Once the anxiety got a hold I found I didn't know what day it was & all days merged into a blob. I felt completely unreal, as if someone else was living my life.

I sleep ok but in a different time zone...in the sense that I go to bed late & get up late. This added to my sense of not being part of the world (well not on this planet anyway!).
Much like "Groundhog Day", in fact.

I'm a lot better now (most days) but still struggle with this. I found the only way for me was 1) to stop 'beating myself up' for how I felt.....which was guilty about sleeping at the 'wrong times' etc etc.----& to accept I'm at my best at 3am!(I'd got it into my head that I wasn't helping myself by sleeping when I did)
2) to try to set myself simple & attainable tasks (however small or trivial) each day that were a little different each day. It helped me to orientate myself a little better & gave me something to 'congratulate' myself about. It also helped to distract me a bit from the panic.

You are not alone with this & we'll all help & support you.

Linda. x

Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.

01-04-05, 23:14
hi jan

sorry you feel so down...however i have been ther and you must believe me it does get better try writing things down then you have a record of the day and by looking back at this you can see that some days are different ...even if you only write little things frequently each day things like what you did for dinner, chores that you have done each day there WILL be small differences and gradually these small differences will get bigger then you can see that all days do not merge into one. Also try some physical exercises and relaxation these will certaily help.
Your psychiatrist should have explained things better to you...i read that the depersonalisation is ONLY self protection and it WILL dissapear.

take care:)

02-04-05, 18:52
hi jan,
i totally understand how you are feeling. when my panic/anxiety is bad and i have days in a row at home, i try to write out a routine for the day, even if it's just "9am-10am, get dressed and make cup of tea. 10am -11am, make the bed and walk to the end of the road and back".

every day i try and make the routine different every day to try and differentiate the days in my head.

to be honest, when i was really bad, just feeling the difference between tuesday and wednesday felt like an achievement - i tried not to worry about the past or the future. one step at a time and all that.

please don't lose the will to live and fight. it's a nightmare but things will definitely get better for you.

henri x

03-04-05, 22:16
i no exacly wat u mean

at school its the same old same old, peeps pickin on u etc..... and same with school holidays

do not give up, keep ur chin up high

Scooter Girl AKA Jade

03-04-05, 22:44
I just want to say that every post in this thread made me so proud of you all. What wonderful and special people you all are.


"I'm dancing through the fire, just to catch a flame -
an' feel real again "


03-04-05, 23:44
Hi Jan

How are you feeling now?

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

04-04-05, 19:03
oh Sal

I wish I could say that I am feeling better but I am about ready to give up. After 3 months of not feeling like I am improving and now being home with the children and not even having the get up and go with them, I dont know what to do. I cant even differentiate the time of day. Its like my brain has completely shut off to everything. Every day life. I just cannot cope and my husband has had enough of me saying this. I just want my life back. I want to be able to look after my own children and for my husband to have his life back.


04-04-05, 23:00
Hi Jan

I do feel for you and know how hard this is. when i was at my worst i couldnt be a mother to Sam and her dad well his girlfriend took control and she used to call down to see me with Sam and Sam broke her heart, as ill as i was thought i couldnt take control and get it back together. It scares me to look back to those days and also hurts me that Sams dad didnt take control rather than making me suffer more. It will come right in time and you will be able to cope with your children. You need time out at the moment, not because of your children but because you arent well. Would you feel the guilt if you were laid up in traction due to a bad back, i doubt it as i know i wouldnt have. Its a mental problem that has physical side affects but you will get there. If you need to talk email me as i know how you feel, dont do it on your own.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

04-04-05, 23:54

when u said groundhog day i cold barely belive it!!!

i said the exact thing about 6 months ago....the days just seem the same...same worries, same symptons, same everything. felt like i wasnt actually there..........felt like an alien had taken me over most days!!

anyway.........now the good news....it passes....slowly.....painfully slowly but it does pass.............now the days feel real again.......i love my little worries again!!! but never lose hope........as the days become everso slightly better then the weeks do..then the months do........

how to deal with it? small steps accept that it will take time...but it does go......

take care


ps i love that film as well!!!