View Full Version : Today I have........Monday

28-04-08, 09:05
This is the place to put your achievement/s for today no matter how tiny they were to you they were a triumph xxhugxx:yesyes:

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that
take our breath away"

28-04-08, 09:06
"Today give a stranger one of your smiles, I might be
the only sunshine they see all day "

28-04-08, 14:36
I have a little story about smiles. My friend and I used to work in a nursing home for the elderly and we were assigned patients to be care for. One of my friend's patients was very difficult to please because he hated his body for restricting his life and making him dependant on others. My friend rather dreaded going into his room every morning because she knew what to expect which was bad temper and rudeness so she made a point of making heself smile as she knocked on his door even when she didn't feel like smiling.

One day the old man was in a very low mood and his anger had tuned to sadness. He said to her,"Some days the only thing that stops me ending it all is your lovely smile when you come in". So even if a smile is forced it may help someone who needs it.

28-04-08, 15:22
Not much to some people, to me its good..have been out three times today, each time driving. School run twice and a trip to the shop. Like I said not much, but I did it...and not once did I feel nervous or panicky.:D

Eva May
28-04-08, 15:41
I'm in a 9-5 so I don' get to do much during the day but over the weekend my boyfriend was away and my parents were away yesterday. I suffer badly from separation anxiety esp at night and Friday and Saturday weren't the worst nights I've ever had. I managed to stay positive about how i was anyway and I got out on the motorway during the day a few times as well.

28-04-08, 16:18
Hi Everyone, Happy Monday :D

Well done Voice and Eva :hugs: separation anxiety is the pits Eva and driving on a motorway WELL DONE :blush:

Grace - I try to smile every day but I'm gonna make an extra effort after reading your story :)

I'm in a 9-5 too so havent really done anything today so far. Will try to do something different this evening

Hugs to all x

28-04-08, 16:18
Grace what a wonderful story thank you for sharing it with us a big hug for you xxhugxx:hugs:

The voice within me and Eva May terrific triumphs well done both of you xxhugx:whistles:

28-04-08, 20:58
Going off for tonight. Well done to anyone who posts later with their personal triumphs. xxhugxx:hugs: