View Full Version : baulking and being sick

milly jones
28-04-08, 10:14
does anyone else get coughing, that leads to baulking, that leads to vomiting? when i think about something that is worrying me, about something i've done or said this happens. some times i cant even brush my teeth in the morning because i've got to face things. i guess this is anxiety, but i've not read about it here. even the thought of the supermarket or work starts it.
i also get involuntary shivers down my spine in stressful situation eg in a queue or in the car.

can anyone help, as the sickness is ruling my life at the mo.

thanks in anticipation


28-04-08, 10:24
Hi Milly,

I get the wretching/sicky thing too when i'm over anxious. I had a really bad bout of it not long ago when my health anxiety was really high. I know it's horrible hun but it WILL pass. When you feel really bad, sit down with a glass/bottle of cold water and just sip.

I'm positive there is something about this under symptoms on the main menu in the forum.

Take care

Love Lisa
xxxx :flowers:

28-04-08, 15:23
Hi Milly, just wanted to say that when i am going through a particularly anxious time and i haven't been able to sleep, early in the morning before i get out of bed i start reaching as though i'm going to be sick but i'm not. Now i just put it down to the fact that the stress has built up in my body over night and thats the only way for it to come out, although when it first started i was so worried about it, thought oh my god now whats wrong with me! I'm positive its all down to our old friends panic, stress and anxiety. Take care.