View Full Version : Does your anxiety affect your ears?

28-04-08, 11:53
Mine seem to be full of pressure which puts me off balance, wondered if it could be tension from shoulders being around me ears half the time. Seems much worse in the evenings. xxhugxx

28-04-08, 13:50
Hello LindyF

I get ringing in my ears - not the same as you I know, but it also seems to be more usual in the evenings, especially if I'm alone and 'thinking too much' if such a thing is possible.
Two things that I have put it down to, so far

- That thinking sometimes makes me frightened
- That I shouldn't have gone to that Status Quo concert 35 years ago

I think an answer may have something to do with both. Worst thing is, they were cr*p.

28-04-08, 14:02

I too get a lot of pressure in my ears, but I am not sure if it's connected with my anxiety or is a symptom of my vertigo, of which I usually only get three or four attacks a year of.

Have you had a cold recently?? As I know this can build pressure up in your ears.


28-04-08, 14:31

When I have an attack when im out of the house, my hearing goes and it feels like im under water & all sound is distoted. Other times at home I get ringing in the ears.

28-04-08, 17:44
Tension around the neck and shoulders can make ear pressure worse but you should go to the doctor just in case you have something like an ear infection.

Ringing in the ears is tinnitus - It is always more easily heard when things go quiet. I get this every evening once the tv/radio or music is turned off. I don't think this is part of a panic attack.
I think mine was caused by an A-ha concert in 1988!! I stood in front of 6 speakers only one metre away that were each 3 ft square. I was deaf at the end of the concert. My friend and I thought it was really funny not being able to hear and trying to lip read.... not so funny now I have bad tinitus and pain in the ears and balance problems.... wish now I also hadn't used a portable cd player with the music blaring into my ears!

28-04-08, 17:56
:D Hi Lindy i suffer with ear pressure too. Mine seems to happen more when i get up after being sat down, or i know it sounds daft when i lie down in bed at night !!

All part of the anxity i think !!

Don't worry.

Take care
Mandy xx:bighug1:

28-04-08, 18:17
A few weeks ago when my stress was really bad I woke up one morning and my ears just felt like they were full of water then the days after they just felt like they had hard lumps in them, I'm glad to say this seemed to settle down after about twoo weeks.