View Full Version : Saying hello to you all

01-04-05, 21:58
Hello all

Just to say how helpful this site has been the past few weeks. Originally got ill with anxiety 7 years ago when 25 and had my ups and downs since really, mostly ups thankfully!!. Having a bad "blip" though at the mo and found this site which is helping a great deal.

Thanks to you all

Liz x

01-04-05, 22:06
Glad its helped Liz..

Thanks for stopping by to say Hi.

Are there any specific issues you want help with ?

Glad you've picked up our lingo so quickly and good that you knwo the blip will pass .


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

01-04-05, 22:16
Hi Liz

Welcome to the site, hope we can help.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

01-04-05, 22:17
Hi Liz

Welcome to the forum. Glad you have been doing so well and recognise that this is a blip and you can get through it and move on again.

You'll find some good help and advice here.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

01-04-05, 22:29
Welcome Liz!! :D Hope we can continue to help..

01-04-05, 22:32

Welcome to the forum.

You sound as though you have coped well.
There's lots of help & advice here to support you & get you through the current 'blip'.

Hope it all helps.

Linda. x

Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.

01-04-05, 22:32
Cheers for your support

I think the one thing I learnt when I first got ill is that you really have to fight this thing and can't let it beat you. I made myself do things and felt dreadful for a while and bit by bit it got easier. It is very difficult when things go downhill again as the fear of being in that place again breads even more fear, but i am trying hard to recognise that and work through it. With a great deal of help from my family and friends, have decided not to hide this illness as i have nothing to be ashamed of!!
The new thing I'm having to deal with is eye floaters and visual probs....have had everything tested and its all cool, but anxiety will try and convince otherwise so just trying to fight that really.

Cheers Liz

01-04-05, 22:39
You may already have seen these if you've been lurking....

Visual disturbances: Visual Disturbances (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2128)
Floaters: FLOATERS (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2211)

01-04-05, 22:49

the flaoters are so annoying!!!! I share this with you.

So pleased to hear you call this a blip....and you are dead right....its a blip...and it will pass.

You should be proud of your determination to carry on doing things as this will lead you out of this........I know what its like, hated doing anything that made me fell odd, which was almost everything!!! but did it anyway....and yep it gets easier and easier...until its gone.

take care,


01-04-05, 23:03
Cheers Doddy

Really helps knowing other people know what it feels like...although wouldn't wish these feelings on my worst enemy!!

When your at your lowest it really feels like no one in the world can understand how you must be feeling....so a site like this is a complete god send.



01-04-05, 23:06
welcome to the site

you will find a great deal of support here, hope you feel better soon

take care[8D]

02-04-05, 15:03
Hi Liz

We met in chat last night - great to see you there and hope you pop back again sometime soon.

Welcome aboard.


02-04-05, 15:34

Firstly, welcome to the site. Secondly, I absolutely agree that before finding this site it seemed like no one in the world could understand how it feels. Thanks heavens for the inventor of the internet!

Annette x

02-04-05, 17:12

so many on here if not all will know how you feel......and its great that many on here know how you feel and no longer feel that way.......shows that this can be beaten.

I think that maybe 20 ,30 years ago that this anxiety thingy was virtuay un heard of, none or no support and not much available to help. However today it is far more greatly understood, treatable and look at sites like this that help you get through it.

we should count our blessing.


05-04-05, 22:48
Hi Liz

Welcome to the site. Yes its a blessing in disguise but has also amazed me at how many people are suffering similar things. I think we feel so alone and isolated yet when you look you do find people who can really relate to you.

take care


06-04-05, 04:33
Hi Liz,
Welcome to the site, you seemed to find this site when I did...isn't nice to find people who understand you...


06-04-05, 09:24
Hi Liz,
Firstly welcome to this site.
It's brill, so much support and advice.
I even learnt something new today about eye floaters, so you helped me there. Thank you.
I've beeen having these for years now..they get worse if I'm under to much stress but always settle down in the end.

with good wishes
