View Full Version : Looking 10 years older

28-04-08, 16:02
Just a question i've been sitting here wondering about. Does anyone else think that all this continual anxiety, stress, panic etc etc has aged you and if so in what way. Caught a glimpse of myself this morning in Sainsbury's and thought who's that old bat looking back at me.My face just looks so sad and saggy, which i suppose is reflecting how i feel at present. I use really good face creams etc (courtesy of QVC, big fan) but to be honest i think that whats going on inside you makes so much difference to how you look outside that it doesn't matter how much you spend on creams to slap on your face its not going to alter it until you find some kind of serenity inside. Be interested to hear your views on the subject.


28-04-08, 16:26
How are you? I jsut read your message and totally understand what you mean. I spend loads on expensive creams and make up * I used to work in beauty and hair type job* and I was always getting told I looked young for my age when people found out how old I was~ however that was when I was a lot happier and life was good. When I am really stressed and down I am sure I age rapidly within hours as I end up looking ancient! I do go along with that old saying that how a person is feeling inside is reflected on the outside. Look at how good we look when we are happy ~ our eyes twinkle and shine, our face looks more relaxed and we just look happy. My face can look like Dot Cottons *no offence to Dot!* when I am stressed for ages, but I am under the age of 40! I get really dark circles under my eyes and it looks like a huge weight is hanging off my face somewhere lol Then again we may look fine to everyone else and its only cos we feel down that we are being negative about how we look?!

28-04-08, 16:44
I think alot of what you think you see in the mirror reflects how you feel about yourself inside.

I might be down one day and look at myself and think I look awful, but then when I have better days I feel quite confident and can look at myself and think I look good.

Maybe you should take some time to pamper yourself - I went and had my makeup done in Debenhams recently which I was really dreading as I get pretty anxious with stuff like that (and hairdressers) but I ended up buying some products from it and feel so much better when I go out now as I take the time over my make up.

How about the hairdressers? I find that although it stresses me a bit, I feel much better afterwards? :hugs:

Jo xxxxx

28-04-08, 16:55
I agree with you about looking older. I look in the mirror and think oh my gosh who is that. I think though we are ageing and I don't like it. Time passes so quickly.
I am scared to use facecream and hair dye as I might be allergic!!! (Not) So I look like my Gran with her wrinkles and I have poxy brown and Grey/white hair horrible. I bought a £50.00 face cream from Chanel over a year ago and haven't used it. What a waste of money!!!
On the plus side I have been wearing make up the last few days and feel a bit better hiding the bags etc.
Its all about how we feel inside.
Lets bombard Nikki Hambleton-Jones with calls and get made 10 years younger!!!!!!!:yesyes:
Hazel xo

28-04-08, 17:32
Thanks for your replies ladies, glad its not just me who feels like this. I think i definately need a trip to the hairdressers to get rid of some of the grey hi lites i've acquired, and i must admit i do quite enjoy it once i'm there. All i will say is thank god for the makeup i'd never venture out without it now.

Best wishes to you all.

28-04-08, 18:09
I caught myself in the mirror the other week and was depressed by how drawn and middle-aged I looked.

I think it can go the other way to an extent. My dad started looking a lot younger after he changed jobs in his late 40s. For a while anyway.

28-04-08, 19:05
I hate looking at myself in the mirror wish i knew how to apply makeup never really worn it could do with something to hide the lines etc and saggy and dropping eyes.
Take care
Anne xx

28-04-08, 19:11
This is so reflected from the inside isn't it.

On a good day I can look at myself in the mirror and say 'Well Piglet you still have the old magic hun'. Then on a bad one I think OMG where did this old woman come from in the night!!!:shades:

Love Piglet :flowers: