View Full Version : Hello first post My Life any help appreciated

28-04-08, 17:37
Hi i have lived with GAD/panic for around 18 years now 38:weep: ..i have tried all non medication treatments but none have worked....my main problem is the nausea (sick phobia no doubt as all i can remember from my younger days is being sick) the condition gives me...all attacks have had this symptom including others..but its the nausea which gets me down the most..infact i dont fear any other symptom!....I have been working close with my doctor over this and i found a help..alcohol (no frowns please) only at night upto 12 units:blush: dont drink during the day...it works for me big time..takes all symptoms away and i feel great also gets me out the house socialising and can do mundane stuff like shopping without panic:yesyes: ....during the after a while i found i could go out the house and do little things ie stand in a queue etc (remember no alcohol)...i went and worked for my dad aswell....all because of that releif at night!!!! (please bare in mind though the nausea without any alcohol is always present mild not enuff to cause not eating)....THEN it all went pear shaped,after so many years of just coping (always doin things i could escape from) ,last year around october i got food poisoning..projectile vomiting...now at the time i remarked it wernt that bad and to be honest for me any real illness like this or flu etc makes me feel better as i aint concentrating on anxiety!!!...Anyway i recover go about my normal routine...then WHAM...november in the shop serving..EXACTLY the same symptoms of food poisoning came over me..which freaked me out and i had to leave (embarrasingly:blush: )...i wasnt sick and when i got home i was feeling better...had my drink and 100% great.....now from then on its gradually totally ruined my day life (what i had) ..alcohol still works:yahoo: ..but daytime multiple panic attacks lasting upto hours...like the first days pre alcohol:mad: ...so now i dont go out except at night...i tried to go camping thisweekend as i have always be able to do with my other half,but as i suspected i got close to the destination then..major attack made worse because i was 200miles from home and i was the driver (worst day of my entire life)....it just came on..horrendus nausea...you know if i was actually sick it may be better but nope...just upset stomach the other end..bloated feel..gurgling stomach..continuous..i had to get home...so i had to stop and start took hours of pure hell to get home..once home..alcohol..relaxed me...at the time i knew if i stayed this would just stay and i cannot enjoy a holiday feeling so close to vomiting all the time...staying still is best........so there you go...pretty bad life LOL....I do understand that panic/anxiety produces more acid which causes said symptoms but at the time it feels life threatening.....so thanks to food poisoning its triggered it all back..if i didnt feel so ill i'd set light to that take away shop..LOL (joke!) .......BUT there is help for me...my doc upon asking let me have xanax .25 (not really used here in the UK) but hearing such good results from them (i know they are addictive and my doc says the alcohol has to be knocked off well one is drink is ok after a few hours of taking)...i also have the good old dont take medicine because of side effects anxiety too.....so have now and again taken half a tab...to great effect...feels like on alcohol but no hangover and i can do anything BUT i am reluctant to give in alcohol as i know it works and worry more about addiction and the withdrawel of the med....i dont want to find i get 100% better on this med and then need more and more (i have no idea how feeling well is except when on alcohol but that aint normal)...my other half and doc think i should take em and are far safer than acohol at my levels..in anycase alcohol can still be had but far far less...am i afraid of becoming normal?????..Am i scared of getting better????..This is my life and i am more scared of change can you feel me on this?.....I keep toying with xanax one day..then alcohol the next...halves the alcohol intake and get everyother day well...does anyone know if you can get tolerant on xanax on an everyday basis????

Thanks for looking and sorry for boring you...lol

28-04-08, 18:38
hiya and welcome i cant help you with meds but just wanted to say you will get great advice her and support from people in same position as you or have been there and u will also make new friends too xxxx

28-04-08, 19:14
Hello Phil !
Panic is the pits isn't it ? When you also have phobias its really hard.
I wondered if you suffer from acid reflux or digestive problems which is making you feels nauseous ? Have you been checked out ? Booze and caffeine and spicy foods stimulate acid, so stay away from them if you can. If you are taking meds then it makes sense to knock off everything else - or how will you know that the meds work and at what dosage ?
Try looking at www.emofree.com (http://www.emofree.com) because you might find a technique there that can stop panic freewheeling and overwhelming you.
be kind to yourself

28-04-08, 19:48
...yes its acid.....we know that...but what is interesting is i get no acid bouts after a curry or alcohol.....it tends to turn up only in a panic situation...so proves anxiety is the only cause of the acid i guess....i would assume alochol/spicy foods would cause a bout after eating?

28-04-08, 20:39
Hi Phil,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,