View Full Version : In need of some advice/reassurance

28-04-08, 17:51
So here's my saga:

I've always been a somewhat anxious person, and at different points in my life, it's resulted in some health anxiety...I've had heart issues, headaches, muscle pains, etc. but usually have no issue getting things under control after a doctor's visit. This past few months, though, it's been a little different.

At the beginning of March, I was a little stressed out. I had moved, grad school was bugging me, and I work full time. I started to notice some aches/pains and muscle twitches. Also, I felt a little tingle in part of my lip. Of course, I went the full 9 yards and did all sorts of internet research. I thought I had ALS, Parkinsons, MS, etc.

Finally saw the Dr., who said he didn't think there was anything neurological going on. Sent me to a podiatrist for some ankle stiffness, ran some blood tests, and told me not to worry about it. The podiatrist says I have high arches, and that could cause some pain, stiffness in my ankles, no biggie.

But here I sit, still anxious about all of this. The thing that gets me is that my symptoms seem to cycle. I was having eye pain and percieved increase in floaters/flashers, but the eye Dr. said I was fine, no retinal detachment, no optic neuritis, and the eye stuff has gone away. Once I decided I likely didn't have ALS, the muscle twitches and electric shock feelings decreased notably. The whole thing brought my heart fears to the fore, but as soon as I had gotten over that, the pains/sensations disappeared.

But now, I'm still dealing with the lip tingle. It's not a full-fledged "pins and needles" tingle, and I don't think it's actually numb, though it feels a little desensitized. It's one spot on my upper lip, and I don't think it's constant (though I suppose there's the chance that I just don't notice it sometimes), though it comes for a few days, disappears, and sometimes comes back a few days later. I had initially convinced myself that it was anxiety, or dry lips, but now I'm fearing MS, worrying that perhaps I didn't mention this symptom to my Dr. Now, other parts of the right side of my face feel a little tingly. My ankle/foot have been tingling intermittently, too, but I think that might be due to my foot/ankle being messed up by my arches.

I had an MRI of my brain done 4-5 years ago, when I was having headaches. They sais it looked fine, but I can't help but wonder if they just didn't mention these white spots? And though I'm 90% sure I don't have MS, I can't shake this worry about it...every time I've thought I've had it beat, a symptom reappears and I get nervous again. I don't think I want to go back to my Dr. again, that seems crazy.

Sorry this is so long. I've just been bummed, driving my girlfriend insane, and keeping myself frim truly enjoying things, though, overall, I'm doing pretty well. I just need a little reassurance, and I'm hoping maybe someone here can help to convince me that I don't have MS...


28-04-08, 18:38
Hey ams. This sounds exactly like me too. I had convinced myself that i had MS too. My doctor did all the necessary tests and said that there were no signs whatsoever. They can definately pick these things up by doing simple tests. My face is tingly too and sometimes in my hands. I have been told that this is anxiety and that its all part of the worry and stress that we put ourselves under. Don't feel bad about going back to your doctor though. That's what they are there for. Good luck, Teabag

28-04-08, 18:58
My GP didn't seem to think there was anything neurologic in nature going on, which was reassuring, but I can't help but wonder whether I forgot to mention my lip tingling, or if I mischaracterized things. But he did give me a routine physical, and I even forced him to check the strength of my ankles and legs.

I just feel crazy having gone to the Dr., got myself feeling better, and now I've let it all resurface, which is unlike me...usually, a Dr. appt and clean bill of health takes care of things. Aargh.

Thanks, though. I'm glad to hear that someone else has been through it as well, and come out okay.

29-04-08, 00:18
Hello there, found your post and had to reply....

Recognised myself in what you wrote - have also had odd neuro type symptoms since Feb this year (and since last year have had tons of stress in my life - maybe more than I realised), saw a neurologist a couple of weeks ago. I was/am very worried about ms. The doctor said he thinks its unlikely to be MS and doesn't think I have a progressive illness. He's offered me an MRI for 'peace of mind'. Trying hanging onto sanity while stuck on an NHS waiting list...

Can't believe though that its all just anxiety (which is what my GP told me) - numb hands/fingers, twitching, cramping at night, back/neck ache, odd aches and pains, truly and genuinely feeling like this is it. I also think that maybe i didn't tell him everything, or that I didn't describe it well enough - but surely these guys have seen it all before and are well used to spotting a progressive illness? Shouldn't we take comfort from that?????


29-04-08, 00:35
Hi Ams

Well, there seems to be quite a lot of MS fear around. Wrote on a thread a few days ago about my experiences with my MS fear. Now, quite a few years later, all I can say is that my symptoms are not here anymore. I cannot say definitely that I don't have MS, all I can say is that the possibility seems less and (maybe because) I fear the possibility less. But I remember how distressing it was in the middle of that awful, frightening time.
My body seems to do a lot of things without having the courtesy to explain them to me, Perhaps I'm getting used to it.
Take care

29-04-08, 20:49
Thanks for the posts, everyone.

I'm feeling it again today. Was worried about my lips/mouth for a bit, but that's begun to fade. Now, though, my right foot/ankle are bugging me, with tingles, twitches, buzzing, and a cold feeling (though I don't think my foot's actually that cold). This stuff isn't constant (I haven't even been aware of it all day today), but I can't help but feel as though maybe I just didn't notice it earlier or something. Aargh. And I know I didn't mention the cold feet sensations to th Dr. before, since they weren't happening

MS symptoms would be constant, right, at least over the course of a few days?

I have a feeling these foot sensations will fade (they only really grew prominent again over the weekend, before then I was giving my feet and ankles little thought), but I just can't completely shake this MS worry. Earlier today, I was even chuckling to myself at how worked up I can let myself get, and thinking about how I wasn't really feeling these sensations right then, and now this. Ugh.

29-04-08, 21:48
Hi Ams

Mine isn't constant either - comes and goes. I have noticed that it appears when something stressful has happened which I can take comfort from. Maybe keep an eye on it - see if it appears when your stress levels soar?

Please try not too worry - easier said, I know.

Vic x

30-04-08, 21:43
It's been another annoying day. I really wish I could shake this. The sensations in my foot have been more constant today, though still rather vague in their presentation. Annoying, to be sure. I'm having trouble concentrating, and feel as though my mind's moving a million miles a minute.