View Full Version : heart went really wonky

28-04-08, 18:22
hi there ive always had palpatations and recently been to a cardioligist and had a echocardiograghm and 1 week tape on but doc says anxiety ,but i didnt really get the bad palps when i was on the tape.the thing is i was out today and my heart went wonky and i completly felt i couldnt breathe i felt i totally lost my breath ,but it returned to normal in a minute or so.then when i was walking down stairs my heart went all fluttery in my chest likr it was speeding up then missing beats then speeding up for a second then all irregular then in to a really fast rate like i mean racing .it wasnt the normal ectopics which i get all the time.whats scared me is the complete irregular rate and the terrible breathlessness today which was utter terryifing.needless to say im so scared now.i would be so gratefull if any 1 who reconises these symptoms to please reply many thanks molly

Rachey poos
28-04-08, 20:33
Molly I get this....please read posts on my blog (link below) if these flutters and out of sync would end i would be able to get on with things x its horrid isnt it xx

29-04-08, 16:10
Hey babe i get this to just the other night i was in my bed and my heart felt like it was speeding up i paniced and jamp up with a fright then it was ok again it is just another form of anxiety babes honest i had all the tests done to i still get the odd flutter and ectopic and i hate it but i used to get them every min of the day for months it was a nightmare but now i have got used to them and to ignore them and honestly they dont bother me as much i get them worse when i have my monthlys xxxxxxxx:hugs: