View Full Version : Shoulder pain

28-04-08, 23:00
I know a common symptom of anxiety is chest pain which is caused by the muscles but what about pain in the shoulder? It's like a little twinge, like someones pinching the nerve or something, sometimes happens alone, sometimes with chest pain and it usually used to happen when I ran in the cold [I assumed it was stitch]. I have read the cardiac nerves branch into the shoulder and that heart pain can be felt in the shoulder.

I have had my chest listened to several times with stethoscopes at the doctors and they've never seemed too concerned. Is this just another anxiety symptom? It does seem to be happening a lot more now I've linked it to a possible heart problem and I am constantly thinking about it.

29-04-08, 00:07

It seems I can rationally answer other people's posts but not rationalise my own thoughts!!

29-04-08, 08:26
Well not sure if I can be of any help hun, but I generally ache alot around my body, especially my neck and shoulders!

I would though go to the docs if your not sure and ask


29-04-08, 17:20
Thanks for the reply.

Unfortunately my anxiety stops me from visiting doctors in case it turns out to be serious!