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28-04-08, 23:55
Last week my sisters good friend died tragically in her bath her young child found her after hearing her fall. the post mortem has concluded that she had a brain hemoreage. She was a single parent and it just so sad.
Ever since her death i keep imagining it happening to me, out of the blue. She wasnt a ill person but had told her child she was off for a bath as she didnt feel to well.
I keep feeling twinges in my head, and for a few years i get a sore scalp that hurts to touch.
Does anyone else feel like i do? I feel as if each day may be my last and seem to spend more time worrying that actually enjoying my life.

thanks for taking the time to read this.

tracie xxx

29-04-08, 00:00
I would advise you to go to a doctor just to put your mind at rest. Head pain/sore scalp is a common symptom of anxiety though as tension in this area can cause pain. If you get a clean bill of health at least you can concentrate on combatting the anxious feelings which are making you so miserable.

Good luck!

Hope 2
29-04-08, 00:04
Hi Tracie :D

That is so very sad , especially for the child .
I have just posted about my friend who died suddenly this evening .
I think when someone we know dies unexpectedly it makes us more acutely aware of our own mortality . Perhaps this is why you are going through this dreadful time at the moment . It's kind of 'it could be me next' scenario . My ocd has convinced me for a long time I am not long for this world but .... well , I am still here . Maybe it's a time will tell situation hun I dunno .

Take Care
Hope xx

29-04-08, 00:10
Hello Tracie

Yes, I have reacted in a similar way to a sudden and totally unexpected death - I think that it was part of my way of somehow making sense of it, dealing with the shock of it, at least for a time. I feel both for you and the child who found her dead mother.


29-04-08, 08:04
Hi Tracie

I am sorry to hear about your sisters friend, and for the poor wee child too.

The term I believe is suggestability. This is something I suffered from too.

I remember when I was around 36, reading the local paper about a guy who was 36, with a wife and 3 kids dropping dead from a heart attack while playing sunday league football.

At the time I read this, my anxiety was as high as it had ever been. In a flash I had replaced this guy with me, and for days the wee voice in my head was telling me "you are 36, this anxiety is taking it's toll on your heart, this will be your fate too soon".

Not the most helpful of thoughts when you suffer from health anxiety. Eventually, I managed to come to terms with the fact that the poor guy was just unlucky, and ,may have had some underlying health issue that was never diagnosed (which I beleive was the outcome).

If you do the lottery, and a friend of a friend wins the jackpot, we never think we will be next, but with anxiety, all the negatives we will associate ourselves with.

Hope you feel better soon.



29-04-08, 10:21
Thank you all for your lovely replies xx
jaco you have hit the nail right on the head with your explanation of how we cling to the tragic things but never imagine ourselves having a wonderful outcome.

Well its the funeral today, ive woke up with tingles in my head and i feel odd(thats the only word for it).

Just cant get it out of my head how she was so well one day then gone the next.....and her poor child, finding your mummy like that, how do you ever get over it.

I keep imagining my own kids without me....i sooooo dont want to ever leave them.

thanks again for reading this....sorry its not a happy post, maybe soon i will have something cheerful to post,fingers crossedxxxxx

love Tracie

29-04-08, 11:21
So sorry to hear this Tracie,

BIG http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g3/ksriver80/h/09.gif To you.

Take Care,

Love Pip's X X

29-04-08, 13:36
I get like that as well, it appeared at one stage there was a lot of it in the news and I paniced, infact I started again when I read your thread, but then I had to remember that everything has a reason and factors associated with them. It is very sad and sudden I guess we could die crossing the road yet we do it every day and not think about it....I need to get my brain thinking that way. You can't let it get you down I spent a whole week in total panic over exactly this and it drove me insane. It's possibly just panic and Anx affecting your hear, it's like when someone has chicken pox you suddently start to itch.

Hope your day went as ok as it could go.
Take care,