View Full Version : feeling down advice please!!

02-04-05, 11:46
hi im back again,
i woke up this morning feeling so down, my eyes are not right still, i keep getting slight pains in them on and off, i have had really bad neg thoughts today aswell now im convincing myself ive got some sort of incurable desease,because of this eye trouble, ive had it for a week, also ive lost a bit of weight aswell, ive got catarh aswell i dont know if thats making me feel unwell or not, ive got a slight cough aswell, how do you tell if you have a chest infection or not[?] or worse sorry to ramble on just need some advice please
a sad sue:(

02-04-05, 12:04
hello Sue,

Sorry to hear you're not feeling too well. If you have a chest infection, I think your lungs would hurt, that's the way it is with me. Anxiety sufferers can often have eye pain - I know I do so I'm sure it's nothing more serious is that.

Sarah :D

02-04-05, 13:11
Hi Sue

Soz to hear your having a tough time of it. My eyes have been bothering me...convinced myself of all sorts so I know how you are feeling.
I get bad catarrh too and painful sinuses which only makes my head and eyes feel worse......
Could it be an allergy causing your probs? Thats what mine is although I can convince myself worse, a chest infection is pretty painful so I'm sure thats not a prob for you.

Hope you start to feel better soon!!

Sciz x

02-04-05, 13:52
hi sue,

you need a nice hot bath and a hot toddy,
you just sound a bit run down nd everythine else is just taking its toll on you try not to worry about it to much, we all have time when we feel like that, hope you feel better soon ok xx

kairen x

02-04-05, 16:06
Hi Sue
Sorry to hear you are so down at the moment. I know how you feel with the negative thoughts, I'm plagued with them at the moment. My eyes bother me all the time too at the moment, mainly with floaters and weird vision. I think if you had a chest infection it would hurt to breathe in and cough.
Hope you start to feel better soon.

02-04-05, 18:27
thanks for your replys guys,
i gave my house a good spring clean last week ive been using bleach and water and ive been doing bits and bobs of painting aswell that and the dust [which i am allergic to anyway] my nose and eyes get affected sometimes with it so i guess il have to put it down to that i just think theres something wrong cause ive been like this since last sat regards luv sue

02-04-05, 18:39
hey sue,
definitely sounds like your dust allergy is what's causing the symptoms - my boyfriend is allergic to dust (also suffers from eczema) and the slightest bit of dust affects his vision and makes him have cold-like symptoms.
am sure the symptoms will subside and that you do not have an incurable disease!!
hope you're feeling better,
henri x

02-04-05, 22:05
hi sue

the problem with your eyes could be the sinus trouble tha someone else mentioned ...try a steam ..also did you try the cucumber or cold tea bags or even a cold flannel placed over your eyes this is very refreshing, however if you have catarh and a slight cough i think it will be sinus and basically steam is the best thing for this


02-04-05, 22:06

Sounds like a mixture of being a bit rundown & this allowing Mr Anxiety easier access!

Have you asked your GP to check your eyes? I had what you are describing & it was conjuntivitis, easily sorted with prescribed eye drops.

Chest infections are normally painful, & you would feel this pain breathing in & out. Sounds more like the dust, paint etc have got to your chest. (a mask would help this in future)

Hope you feel better soon.

Linda. x

Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.

02-04-05, 22:29
Hi Sue

Sorry you woke up not feeling too good again, hope as the day has gone on you feel a bit better.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.