View Full Version : Our lack of confidence

29-04-08, 06:07
What happens after we experience a panic attack? We lose confidence and doubt begins to rule by making us think "what if" we suffer another attack. The more we question ourselves, the more panicky we feel, the more the panic attacks occur.

What happens when we make a mistake? We lose confidence and doubt takes over. We become unsure of ourselves fearing we'll make another mistake so we double check ourselves, become more intense and more anxious because we don't allow ourselves to make mistakes.

What happens when we feel ill? We question the symptoms. We worry why we're feeling them and the more we worry, the more we become anxious and end up convincing ourselves we've not just got a cold.

What happens when we feel hurt? We doubt ourselves. We question what we did wrong to upset someone. We question what's wrong with us.

What happens when people have a go at us or belittle us? We end up thinking they're right and that we must be inadequate and worthless. We doubt ourselves and our worthiness.

If there is such a thing as a magic cure then the confidence pill would cure all our anxieties. In all the above examples, if we had more confidence in ourselves, our decisions, opinions and abilities then we wouldn't suffer anxiety as a result.

So how do you build confidence? Through pushing ourselves to overcome what we're afraid of and by building self belief because then we grow more confident and doubt ourselves less.

Think about that one word - "Confidence" - then think of it's power to heal anxiety because Confidence is the Key.:hugs:

A supremely confident person feels capable of Anything but the only difference between them and us is that one word - Confidence!:hugs:

29-04-08, 07:01
i have confidence ,, but it is laying somewhere ..

i always need to be reminded to have confidence ..

you are right in every single word you typed ,, it's totally what i go through and what's in my diary ...

i guess there are much people feeling the same. ..

thanks for bringing it on .. :hugs:

29-04-08, 08:59
My confidence completely vanished into somewhere, I feel it very slowly creeping back to me and I welcome it with open arms. Sometimes it pops off somewhere again for a while but now I know one day it will come back to stay. xxhugxx:hugs:

29-04-08, 09:18
Another excellent post Bill and it helped me no end this morning on my walk to the school. The panic kept rising outside the school gates and I held my head up high and said ''I'm being confident Bill'' it made me smile and all the way back I kept thinking be confident girl you can do this.

Thanks Bill I shall keep searching for my confidence I know it is in here somewhere just waiting to burst out.

I know if I loose all this self doublt I could do all I wanted to do, it's just a matter of self believe and I am working on it.

Love and best wishes to you Bill

Carol xxxxx

29-04-08, 10:19
Great post Bill.

The last three days have been good for me, I think my confidence might just be starting to rise up again. This morning when I did the school run, I was shakey and edgey, but...I kept telling myself, 'come on, you can do this, you did it yesterday and on sunday you managed to go out too' and guess what, I did it.

I love reading your posts Bill, they make everything seem to fall into place.

29-04-08, 21:02
Bill ~ You should write a book! I love reading your encouraging posts!

29-04-08, 21:19
Hi Partner :yesyes: great post, you would make a great therapist bill, so many people on here love your posts, we all learn lots from you:hugs:

30-04-08, 04:35
I know if I loose all this self doubt I could do all I wanted to do, it's just a matter of self believe

As you say Carol, it's turning self doubt into self belief, negative into positive, I Can't into I Can, I Won't into I Will etc

Instead of giving up, installing willpower and determination.

Sometimes our boulder can feel so heavy, we feel we just can't shift it but with help and the right tools, there is Always a way to break free but we also have to find the strength to push it off.

When we feel trapped in a box where nowhere to go, we can either give up and curl up or lift the lid and push our way free.

The mind is very powerful. We are controlled by our emotions and if we allow negative emotions to control our thoughts and behaviour, we live in fear but if we focus on the positive, keep our faith and live in hope then we can learn to control our fear.

What we have to remember is Anxiety is Fear and once we learn to control our fear, we also control our anxiety and all the symptoms that go with it.:hugs:

I can't remember all the words but think of the Man of La Mancha (If that's the right spelling!) and the song "The Impossible Dream". Think of the words, adopt and keep that attitude and the seemingly impossible dream Can be dreamt and achieved. :hugs:

21-02-11, 23:52
Sorry, I think there are some important things we should remember about anxiety but I find it easier to bring old posts back to the fore rather than keep typing the same words as a reminder. If it helps then I feel it's worth it.:hugs:

22-02-11, 00:17
You are so right Bill, such wise words as usual.

Thank you for that :hugs:

di xx

22-02-11, 01:46
well said bill

22-02-11, 01:49
Thanks Bill xx