View Full Version : What support can i ask for? ADVICE PLEASE

29-04-08, 09:01
I have finally hit an all time low and admitted i am completely worn out with this actue anxiety/panic attacks, im actually experiencing depression also now too. I feel like the toll on me to get even this far has become to much, i feel physically ill, like all the fight has gone from me. The doctor is coming to see me today at noon. Last time i spoke to them they realised my medication wasnt working and referred me to a 'specialist' for them to work on it, as the GP wasnt confident to do so, however this appointment wont be for another 4 weeks. I need help now!!! My children are questioning why im crying all the time and this must be worrying them, my partner doesnt know what to do or say anymore (he's tryed so hard). What support can i ask my GP for, can i demand to see someone? Does anyone know, or been in this position? Any advice would be so great, i need to do this for my family i cant bear to be like this anymore..... i need to get better... anyone???? :unsure: :weep:

29-04-08, 09:31
Aww hun im so sorry u are feeling like this.

I cant offer u any advice because im going through the same thing.

Im starting cbt group thearpy next week which im hoping will start to sort me out.

I no u will get lots advice on here.

Thinking of you :bighug1:

love mandie x

29-04-08, 09:59
:hugs: hi charlie, you will be on the road to recovery now but you just wont feel like it? you have rung the docs and youve got them coming round, that is a massive acheivement because although you are feeling sooooo bad you have done that for yourself and your family:yesyes: the only prob with this ive found is that the docs interpret this as inner strength not weakness and unless you were to say you are seriously suicidal or you want to harm someone else you will still have to take your turn in waiting for help - as im sure you realise there are others in your position and there is limited resources for emotional disorders, seeing as they know we just put up with it for years and years and just muddle through with help from family. but there comes a point when you have to go it alone without your family and get fully well?

tell the doc this, tell them exactly how bad you feel and that you need help now!!!! they can refer you asap to the mental health team and they will assess whether you need to see the phychiatrist? this has been my experience, but this last time i decided to go private becaus i had been messed around for a few years due to being lost in the system due to me moving house. anyway yo are within your rights to demand anything they have on offer but you have to ask them exactly what they can do for you - theis is the worse part because they generally dont offer much info in my experience?:lac:

also have you tried the site NOPANIC? they are a charity in telford and you can ring them or go to their site and they have self-help books an dlots of other material. you can also go to THENATIONALPHOBICSSOCIETY in manchester where you can get therapy over the phone and its much less than normal and also if you are on a low income its very cheap?

then you can go to two others sites for depression etc they are called LIVINGLIFETOTHEFULL and UNCOMMONKNOWLEDGE, both helped me in my recovery along with therapy and sel-help.

you can get there, it doesnt get much worse, in my experience this place you are at now is not as bad as it feels, youmay have been brewing up to this for a very long time? and this is like the peak, after this i started to recover and realised that i had actually felt pretty bad for a long time, this may not apply to you and it may ot make any sense, but i remember reading in' the road less travelled' that people are far worse before they seek professional help, when they get help is when they are going to get better:yesyes: this was my experience. and bear in mind what i said before your meds could be lmaking you feel much worse and you can discontinue them and start another one or jus tuse no meds at all? last year it dawned on me i was depressed and i went to one of the sites ive mentioned and it said that depression can be got rid of without meds and that a depression has a life cycle that will go on its own, it remeinded me id been here before and i could stand what i was experiencing and i had renewed faith that it would go, and it did!!!

take care and let us know how you go wiht the doc today? emma:flowers:

30-04-08, 10:06
Thank you so much for your advice, especially Emma, it must have taken you ages to type all that for me, and really did help me when i was feeling like i had no hope. - Mandie love you too x
The doctor was finally 'spoken too' by my partner who was extremely firm with him, basically the doc didnt bother to come out and see me and phoned instead, my partner was very assertive and wouldnt really let the doc get off the phone until he agreed to do something for me. The doc said he would call the psychiatrist service i had been referred to and tell them my case was urgent, Dave asked for the number of the place so the doc knew he could check if he'd done it. Within 2 hours the Mental Health Service had called me with an appointment on friday aftenoon, initially i had been told it would be at least 4 weeks. The moral of the story is, if you aint strong enough, let someone else be for you and things can get done much quicker than if you'd just left it!

Petrified of friday, but at least its some 'hope' and thats what im seriously lacking at the moment.
Thank you guys for all your support yesterday, i cant tell you how much this place means to me and how true friends can be made here. :flowers: :flowers:

My days still aint great, and your's might not be too, but we'll all get there in the end! :bighug1: :hugs: xxxxx

milly jones
30-04-08, 10:11
take somebody with u to the appontment hun, even if it is just to wait outside. I'm seeing psychiatrist today for 2nd visit after referral. she changed my meds cos my gp wanted specialist advice. undertsnad totally.
pm if you need a hug
milly xx

30-04-08, 10:16
Milly - i am going to take my partner with me.
"Snap" as well, i think my GP wants specialist advice about my med's as they dont seem to be working. I am really scared of them changing them even though they arent working (?) as ive been on the same ones for 8 years and im thinking the side effects of coming off them are going to be terrible and what if the new meds dont work either????:scared15:

How are you feeling? What have they put you on now? Is it awful? Honestly?
Heres a big hug for you too :bighug1: xxx

milly jones
30-04-08, 10:48
not going to lie to u charlie it was tough. i was on lofepramine and changed to citalopram.
felt very agitated at first as lof reduced. when cit introduced alongside it made me feel sick and i had visual disturances.

now wk 4 and the agitation has lessened, the sickness gone(still get anx wretching) and visual probs. bit tearful at the moment too.

go for it yve nothing to lose. i thought i was stable on my lof but they just appeared to stop working. seeing the psychiatrist at 12 so well catch up later in chat hopefully. let u know what she said. keep in touch hun


04-05-08, 04:23
:hugs: hi charlie, you will be on the road to recovery now but you just wont feel like it? you have rung the docs and youve got them coming round, that is a massive acheivement because although you are feeling sooooo bad you have done that for yourself and your family:yesyes: the only prob with this ive found is that the docs interpret this as inner strength not weakness and unless you were to say you are seriously suicidal or you want to harm someone else you will still have to take your turn in waiting for help - as im sure you realise there are others in your position and there is limited resources for emotional disorders, seeing as they know we just put up with it for years and years and just muddle through with help from family. but there comes a point when you have to go it alone without your family and get fully well?

tell the doc this, tell them exactly how bad you feel and that you need help now!!!! they can refer you asap to the mental health team and they will assess whether you need to see the phychiatrist? this has been my experience, but this last time i decided to go private becaus i had been messed around for a few years due to being lost in the system due to me moving house. anyway yo are within your rights to demand anything they have on offer but you have to ask them exactly what they can do for you - theis is the worse part because they generally dont offer much info in my experience?:lac:

also have you tried the site NOPANIC? they are a charity in telford and you can ring them or go to their site and they have self-help books an dlots of other material. you can also go to THENATIONALPHOBICSSOCIETY in manchester where you can get therapy over the phone and its much less than normal and also if you are on a low income its very cheap?

then you can go to two others sites for depression etc they are called LIVINGLIFETOTHEFULL and UNCOMMONKNOWLEDGE, both helped me in my recovery along with therapy and sel-help.

you can get there, it doesnt get much worse, in my experience this place you are at now is not as bad as it feels, youmay have been brewing up to this for a very long time? and this is like the peak, after this i started to recover and realised that i had actually felt pretty bad for a long time, this may not apply to you and it may ot make any sense, but i remember reading in' the road less travelled' that people are far worse before they seek professional help, when they get help is when they are going to get better:yesyes: this was my experience. and bear in mind what i said before your meds could be lmaking you feel much worse and you can discontinue them and start another one or jus tuse no meds at all? last year it dawned on me i was depressed and i went to one of the sites ive mentioned and it said that depression can be got rid of without meds and that a depression has a life cycle that will go on its own, it remeinded me id been here before and i could stand what i was experiencing and i had renewed faith that it would go, and it did!!!

take care and let us know how you go wiht the doc today? emma:flowers:

:yesyes: :yesyes: well.