View Full Version : anybody panic about the panic itself:-)

29-04-08, 12:06
Hi just joined! recently i have been worying myself silly over the fact that i worry about my health so much, I have convinced myself by feeling like this i have actually made myself ill, I just read horrible stories al the time how stress can have a major impact on you! I feel constantly on edge all of the time! I still manage to get on with my life come to work every day (unfortuantly ha) have a really lively social life a lush boyfriend and a amazing family but i just cant shake the feeling of dread i have every day and have really bad thoughts all of the time...the only time i feel good is when i have had a drink (only do this at the weekends) but then that makes me 10x worse the next day!
I have bad thoughts in every situation when im in a car i always picture it crashing, when im on public transport i always think there could be someone about to bomb it, im scared of gettin a sunbed incase i get locked in, I even ran out of my house the other day as the boiler was making strange noises and i thought it might have been faulty. I think my main problem is reading newspapers and listening to awful stories because after i read or listen to these sort of things I think well if it happens to them of course it will happen to me.
I am a bit fed up as having these insane thoughts! starting CBT next week so hopefully that will help! also might look into hynotherapy but if anyone wants to chat let me know xxxx

29-04-08, 13:34
...yes you can add your fears to my list,mine does interfere with life big time.

pm me if you need a shoulder,i know how your feeling!

29-04-08, 13:36
Racheleee, in my experience, anxiety/panic disorders tend to bring along with them a whole range of thought processes that I refer to as the "what-ifs". What if some natural disaster wiped out all my "safe" places and I went into an attack? What if my anti-anxiety medication quit working on a really bad day? What if the car stalled in a busy part of town and the noise overloaded my senses? What if someone I loved had a medical emergency and I went into panic mode while trying to get to them?

Now, when anxiety is not present, it is easier for us to look at these sorts of things objectively and readily admit, they COULD happen but are highly unlikely to actually occur - in short, we keep them in perspective. What seems to be happening now is that your anxiety is causing your feelings to lean further away from "could happen" and more toward "probably will happen" - resulting in increased anxiety.

CBT could very well help you with this. Make sure to specifically mention this to whomever will be assisting you and I bet he or she will be able to give you some exact techniques to manage these types of thoughts when they come to mind.

30-04-08, 16:06
Thanks for your replys! ive actually just had quite a bad panick attack at work not had one for a while was awful went dizzy and hot and felt the blood rushing to my ears good job its pouring it down with rain outside as i needed cooling off its awful tryin to explain to the pple i work with why my whole body was shaking they have been understanding tho! now that I have calmed down a little I can see that was panic attack but wish I could see that at the time as it was the most terrifying thing ever :-(

30-04-08, 16:10
hi rach ive just added you to my msn hope u dnt mind

30-04-08, 16:16
no not at all please do cant go on it at the mo but will do soonxxx

30-04-08, 17:16
I know exactly how you feel. I suffer with panic disorder and worry about going out for a walk on the canal that I may fall in and drown, or that if im walking on the road a car my crash into me etc etc. Its horrible isnt it, I have just started CBT last week so not done much yet but am really hoping it will help. KIT xx

30-04-08, 17:32
i had cbt last yr it does work eventually but not 100%
its not a cure it just teaches u wot makes the panic and anx work
u have u do the real work you will feel better after each wk
but cbt doesnt last long enough for my liking i thk when u have suffered for so many yrs it will take more than 9 weeks to conquer it

01-05-08, 12:28
I think I know everything there is to know about panic disorders now as have been suffering from them for 3 years so im not not if cbt will work this time as i already understand what they are all about its just i cant stop them! Its really strange cos when i first got them i was reallly bad for a year then i got well for a bout a year and its just recently that they have started again:-( I am really struggling at work today feel light headed and nautious aswel as the feeling of dread just hope it doesnt escalate into full blown panic! xx

01-05-08, 13:07
this is going to sound really silly - health anxiety!!

i had a milkyway chocolate about an hour ago and it tasted really funny and now im panicking there is something wrong with it and ive been poisened or something - i have head ache and starting to get sore throat

01-05-08, 15:05
i feel so so silly now - i sound nuts

01-05-08, 15:18
hi bab your not silly im the same in fact i did it this morning i have a mouth ulcer at the mo which is agony and i got some bonjella which made me feel really weird i then thought i was havin a reaction and now i have felt bad all day! its crazy what our minds make us think im sure you will be fine :-) xxx