View Full Version : Should I stay or should I go???

29-04-08, 16:08
I really dont know what to do.

I have been a member of this site for quite a while now, and have needed support and reassurance many, many times, for which I am really appreciative for.

The thing is that I am finding myself very anxious after reading some of the posts, to the point that it is bringing on panic attacks. I could read a thread on here and really feel for the person who has written it, and then worry about it or put ridiculous thoughts into my head.

I have suffered from panic and anxiety now for well over 7 years, and more recently have been worrying constantly about my own health, to the point were I think I have some life threatening illness etc. I have morbid thoughts and think that I am going to die each time I have a panic attack or strange symptom.

I really want to carry on posting on here and helping people whenever I can, but dont know if it doing me more harm than good.

Does anyone understand where I am coming from, or have any advice?


29-04-08, 16:14
I can be selective.

If I am feeling low then I pick happier parts of site. I'll do the games or look at sections that I know won't trigger me off therapy/natural remedies/misc/games

I will avoid sections if necessary for my own sake of mind if I am feeling vunerable. I don't think there is anything wrong with that and I don't think I'd leave because of it..... I think most people understand xxxx

29-04-08, 16:20
I agree-try to be selectiveWhat I do is look at the title of the post-this normallly gives an indication of what the post is about. Then if you hover the cursor over the title, the first few sentences appear, giving you a brief glimpse of what is contained in it. At least this way, you are pre-warning yourself and if you think that there is even a slight possibility of it being a trigger then just dont read itLou xxx

29-04-08, 17:23
I have to be selective as well sometimes hun.

I normally avoid the health section of the forum because I know that some of the posts may trigger me off to worry about something.

Jo xxxxx

29-04-08, 20:13
Oh yes - the health one is for only good days !! And anything that mentions Googling...

30-04-08, 12:39
Thanks guys for your replies. I really do appreciate it:yesyes:

I still dont know what to do. I havent been on since posting the original of this yesterday, and to be honest I dont feel any better for it.

I dont want to be someone who just comes on for reassurance and advice for myself as I really would like to help others if I can.

I know I can be selective on what I choose to read, but sometimes just the title is enough to trigger anxiety:weep:

30-04-08, 15:09
:) hi ann/all. im not sure you will like this suggestion but it works for me:yesyes: - here goes - just read whatever you want, have a panic attack or get anxious and then just let it subside:yesyes: ofcourse you can just not come to nmp or you can limit your involvement, it really is up to the individual ther are no rights and wrongs, but avoiding anxiety and panic is always a sure fire way for it to continue:lac: and you said yourself you felt no better for not coming on anyway - all of this boils down to anxiety whatever is triggering it - the key is to feel the anxiety and to carry on regardless:yesyes:

30-04-08, 15:34
Thanks Emma

You are right. I am anxious with or without this site and to be honest I can see big improvements in me since I found this site. I do go through bad times (which I think I am going through one now), and anything and everything seems to be triggering my anxious thoughts and feelings.

I really need the support this site has to offer.

01-05-08, 10:10
:hugs: :yesyes: hi ann, i am glad you feel better about the situation now, you seem to have got it straight in your head? thats what matters:yesyes: doing whats right for you, and when you get triggers on here its no different to getting triggers anywhere else - the more you trigger that anxiety but see that it goes and its just a conditioned response and nothing more - you can start to have these responses but your concious brain deals with them differently - you can watch it happen and you can wait for it to subside without fear and then go about your day - the more times this happens the less and less these thoughts and feelings have any effect? take care, emma:flowers:

01-05-08, 10:25
Hi Anne

I dont want to be someone who just comes on for reassurance and advice for myself as I really would like to help others if I can.

You have to do what you think is best for you hun, if this site gives you reassurance and good advice then that can only be good:) , and thats what we are all here for too hun. Theres no pressure on anyone on NMP to give advice so please try not to worry about that.:hugs: If you need support and advice without reading other threads im sure if you post your own thread other members will be happy to offer the support you need.:hugs:

You do what you feel is best for you hun.


01-05-08, 17:13
Thanks Emma and Andrea:hugs:

It is true that I feel anxious with or without this site and I do feel that it does help me in the long term. :yesyes:

I will just need to be a bit more selective from now on with which posts I feel will make me anxious. Some days are better than others.

Thanks once again for the advice and support :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: