View Full Version : Tight chest and throat

29-04-08, 17:18
I know this is a panic symptom but its hit me suddenly, ive not suffered with it in years.

It hit me after last week when i thought i had dvt as my calf was very sore, I then had a tight throat & chest feeling so assumed i had a pe:blush: . I saw my GP on the wednesday about my leg as it was sore frm running aswell and he said it was fine.

I Just can't shift the tight throat and chest feeling, i am over breathing, I can hear myself doing it but why? I am under abit of stress at mo, 3 very young kids and hubby works long hours, I feel snowed under with everything at the moment, I also work and have a house to run but I always have had all this on my plate but don't usually get this throat symptom.

I can't seem to ignore it so it will go. Any ideas? I know its only panic but a little part of my head is saying its not, stupid I know. I just wish it would go.

29-04-08, 17:26
Try some deep breathing exercising. Inhale for a count of 7, breathe out for a count of 11, pause at the end of the out breath if you can. It doesn't have to be that exact count, as long as your out breath is longer than the in breath. This breathing rebalances the O2/CO2 in your blood, stops you from over breathing and "forces" your body to relax.

29-04-08, 17:35
Thank you.

Rachey poos
29-04-08, 22:06
I get this at times to the point of where i feel it is squeezing my heart..it isnt of course but i get iit real bad xxxx

01-09-11, 05:23
hi ..iam suffering from same thing atm its awfull hun ...u have to tell ur self its all anx and try to stay busy hope u get better soon :)