View Full Version : Not recognizong Yourself

29-04-08, 19:11
Has anyone looked in the mirrior and not recognize themslef anymore
even when I talk I feel like im not myself the whole world feels strange please tell me someone els feels like this . Sorry for all the posts just woundering who els could be going threw such hell..



29-04-08, 19:22
Hi Sebastian

Yes I know how you feel, I used to look in the mirror and not even know the person I was looking at and it doesn't feel good, even my surroundings seemed strange and unreal.

All I can say is that things do get better and although I don't totally relate to being the same person I used to be I am slowly returning and things don't seem so unreal anymore.


29-04-08, 22:17
Hey Sebastian

I used to get this. I would look at myself long and hard in the mirror and couldnt believe it was me in the skin I was looking at. Very strange.

I agree with Carol, things will get better hun, you just have to give yourself time.

Jo xxxxx

29-04-08, 22:29
I do get this quite often, and the longer you look the more unfamiliar you become, its weird.

I tend to try an not in to many mirrors these days, lol except in the mornin when im doin my hair. (well i think its my hair)

29-04-08, 23:11
Hi sgravel

Anxiety emotional states make you more aware of yourself, more aware of your senses and feelings. So don't worry, it's perfectly normal to feel that way when anxious.