View Full Version : blood pressure

29-04-08, 20:38
I am absolutely terrified of having my blood pressure taken. I had it done regularly by a CPN when I had one and she used to take it in her car looking at the sea. It was always ok and not low but acceptable. I havent had a CPN for eighteen months now and know I should get it done but I just cant. My heart rate goes through the roof when I visit the doctors. Its usually fine and about 65 beats per minute. In the surgery it goes up to 100. My doctor knows about my phobia and says to me that I dont need my pressure taken because I am healthy, eat a sensible diet, exercise, no alcohol or cigarettes etc. I think I should have it taken as I am in my late 50s. I need to find a solution to this problem. I am ok with other tests being done.
I did get a monitor once and when it arrived my pulse doubled looking at the box. I took it and it wasnt too bad, then I took it again and again and again. It went up and up so I stamped on it and through it in the bin. Never again.
Does anyone else have this fear and how do they deal with it.
I am scared because I dont want to take medication. I am scared of side effects.

29-04-08, 21:11
I think this is known as "white coat syndrome" many people's bp's actually go up whilst at the GP's surgery, many doctors know about this and will take this into account when they take your reading.

29-04-08, 22:30

I have this to. my bp is always up at the doctors, as soon as he says he gonna take it, i can feel the panic rising.

They take the reading into consideration cause the know its the anxiety

I sometime get it checked at my work (medical centre) and i get a much lower reading

love mandie x

29-04-08, 22:33
i get this when i visit the docs to, its hard for her to get an accurate reading because as soon as she calls my name im in a panic.

her advice was to either buy a blood pressure machine or use the self testing machine in the surgery. i havnt yet but i probably will one day, maybe, i think, erm.

tayside lassie
30-04-08, 10:18
hi angie ..i too suffer with white coat hypertension and have a problem going to the doctors about anything ..cant go on my own my partner needs to sit with me till doctor shouts for me ..2 years ago the white coat and anxiety got so bad my b/p was at 210/112 at the docs so my b/p meds was increased constantly all the time ..one day my partner came home with a b/p monitor from a well know chemist and like you it kept going up and up and up ...i over came the b/p fear my doing it a couple of times a day never looking to see what the readings were and after a few weeks became relaxed enough to get a rough reading ...what if someone sat with you while you do your b/p or watch your family doing theirs thats what my family done with me we sat at the kitchen table my partner 2 adult kids my wee boy and myself all took turns in doing our b/ps i know this sounds stupid but it helped me get over the fear ..over the last 18 months i have been taken of 1 b/p med and reduced on 2 other b/p meds my doctors have to go by home readings as i still cannot have b/p done at the doctors ...i cant advise you on how to relax at the doctors but invest in another b/p monitor and try and think of what or who could help you relax long enough to get a b/p reading ...take care .

sally.....:hugs: :hugs:

30-04-08, 12:00
Have you considered purchasing your own BP monitor? I have one at home and take my BP randomly so at least I'm at home in a more relaxed environment. This way, at any future doctor appointments, you could take your readings with you?

miss diagnosis
30-04-08, 16:56
this happens to me all the time. when ever i go to the doc its always high and last time she wasnt going to give me the pill cos of it. id defo but our own monitor.I think u can get them in boots.