View Full Version : Anyone here?... I'm suffering...

30-04-08, 05:44
I hate to sound like a loser but I post msgs and sometimes they don't get responded to... and I get scared that maybe no one wants to reply to them... I'm sufferin bad right now, Day 23 without alcohol and just very down/sad, on Lamictal 125mg again was just upped and 0.75mg of Risperdal I'm tapering off the Risperdal because I need to get off of it since it's made me worse, I just want to be happy, and get up one morning *or afternoon* and say ... "Hey it's great to be alive" lately it's been "It sucks to be alive".

30-04-08, 06:23
Hi Paulos, I care and if you ever want to pm me feel free.

30-04-08, 06:40
Aaw sorry your feeling down and i hope you do feel better soon. There are loads of nice people on nmp who will help you through who understand how your feeling now.
Wish you all the best.:hugs: :hugs:

30-04-08, 06:45
Hi Paulos,

We are here for you.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Well done for kicking the booze.
Start reading some of the Success Stories here to show that you can get through this.
You can PM me too at any time.
Keep believing in yourself and your ability to recover.
Best wishes,

milly jones
30-04-08, 07:45
hi paulos,

i try and respond to posts even if i cant help just to make contact with people.

again pm me if u want a chat anytime

milly xx

30-04-08, 08:20
You don't sound like a loser, I felt like that a first on this website, I was recommended this website from another parenting site I was on, you post a topic about anything and within 2 mins you usually get 10+ replies, so it was quite weird posting and then waiting hour if not longer for a reply. Buit the replies you get are so much more helpful on here as you know that people know how you are feeling.

Well done for giving up the booze, I am sure you will wake up one day and think your happy to be alive, I went through a dark patch last dreading waking up and thinking oh no still here, but now I am happy, have the odd bad moment, but its not nearly as bad and doesn't last for nearly as long.

echo what others have said, PM me anytime.

30-04-08, 17:55
I've just been really bad with reading/learning/dealing with life recently and listening to people... it makes you FEEL like your brain is on the fritz... thank you for your responses all, I went to a new doctor's office today to answer some questions and after I was done I puked on the ride due to anxiety. Jeez >_<

30-04-08, 18:22
Hi Paulos, i don't think you should take it personally that people don't always reply. My first post didn't get any but that hasn't put me off. I think there are so many people on here at different times and so many threads and posts that sometimes people just read without replying. But hey!! Lots of replies here for you. take care and keep posting. As they say:

"If at first you don't succeed, try and try again"

30-04-08, 19:19
I should add all, insecurity with myself... insecurity with not being able to read/memorize/understand certain things... not even being able to sleep in my own bed due to fear as well... it sucks.

30-04-08, 19:55
Hey Paulos,

I know how you feel. I'm new on here. I posted the other day too when I was feeling very low and very alone and I only got one post back .
Needless to say when one is feeling at there lowest and most insecure it doesn't help when that happens ...BUT ! That's EXACTLY what I had to remind myself of...it was just MY insecurity.
The people on here don't know me..yet. They have posted to some of my other questions I had..it was just that one that wasn't responded to...again..my insecurity.

Everyone cares...and if not everyone...I certainly do.
I'd say most everyone must care because everyone is here for a lot of the same reasons or similar ones.
We are all bonded in one way or another.
Maybe sometimes people just don't know how to respond...or maybe they are just feeling so bad themselves they feel they aren't capable of giving proper advice..who knows ?

I'm sorry you are feeling so bad today. Most likely tomorrow will be a better day :).

Pat yourself on the shoulder for 23 days without alcohol ! That is a great accomplishment and something to feel good about .
I know that it can make you feel chemically imbalanced and your body is going through a lot.
But you have come a long way so far and give yourself the much deserved credit. :D

We are always so hard on ourselves. Give yourself a big :bighug1:

and I'm giving you a big :bighug1: too.

I hope you feel better soon,
Greetings from Nashville, TN :flowers:

30-04-08, 23:12
Wow thanks a lot Rebecca I appreciate it, yeah I've felt really low lately, sometimes good most of the time bad... I hope it improves... and I'll always respond to your stuff and I'll look for it in the future.

01-05-08, 17:04
:) Hey Paulos !

I hope you're feeling better today. Remember, there are alot of good folks on here.

You can IM or email me anytime. I'll get back to you a.s.a.p.

Have a great day,
Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

02-05-08, 20:48
Aw FreeFalling you don't have aim/aol? Wish I could IM you but anyway thanks for your support all, today I have that FAMOUS feeling I've had a lot in my life, anxiety/insecurity/depression combined which makes me feel like useless crap.

02-05-08, 21:03
Hi Paulos,

Sounds like you are being very self critical, try to focus on the fact you have not drank in 23 days, you joined a site to find others who understand your anxiety and depression and you've gotten a new doctor. That is one highly accomplished month if you ask me!

Give yourself a break, be proud of what you have done this month. I hope you feel better soon.

02-05-08, 21:16
hiya hun. first of all a big big well done to you for being of the booze for 24 days, it aint an easy thing to do and your body will be going through some changes as you tackle this. we are all here to help and support you through this dark time. why dont you start a daily diary on here so we can see how you are going and get back to you with suggestions that may help. im sorry you are feeling so low at the moment and you feel like life is not good, one day you will wake up and feel like things are getting better and then you will see that the days can be brighter and better.
best wishes
take care :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

02-05-08, 21:16
:hugs: just to say i do try to post whenever i can, i do hope you feel better soon

06-03-10, 01:30
we're all here for one another =]:hugs: