View Full Version : whats normal

03-04-05, 09:20
hi i cant seem to remember what i should feel when im breathing. i feel like i cant feel my nose or any air going into it also cant feel my chest moving its scaring me and i just seem to cant remember what i used to feel? can anyone help remind me

03-04-05, 11:53
hi Caz,

I don't think we normally 'feel' ourselves breathe because it's so normal to us. It just kind of happens..

Sarah :D

03-04-05, 11:58
try breathing in for 2 hold then let out slowly. have u tried yoga they do all breathing exersises you really need tostop focusing on it you wont stop breathing even if you try ,, try doing anything that takes your mind off it reading singing dancing even

good luck xx

kairen x

03-04-05, 21:47
Hi Caz

You shouldnt worry about how breathing feels, its a natural mecanism and we 're not always aware of it, i.e when we sleep .
Try to lay down on your back, put a hand on your diaphragm and breath in deeply, you ll feel then your diaphragm rise. Repeat it several times, its a good relaxing breathing exercise, hope that helps.

**See the world more as it is, less as what you are.**

03-04-05, 23:57
Hi Caz

Try not to focus too hard on your breathing otherwise it will take over and you will feel it is wrong. You wont stop breathing hon.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

04-04-05, 12:49
hi caz

I thouroughly agree with what sal has said...i know it it hard but try not to foculs on your breathing...UNLESS your doing some form of relaxation you can become too focused and this will make you feel much worse...try anthing rather than thinking about yr breathing were here to help if you need us

take care [:O]

04-04-05, 15:24
ive tried everything i jus cant get it out of my head it seems to be in the background constantly! will i eventually stop thinking about it also im scared that when i do eventually stop thinking about it that 1 day ill start up again? im so scared and confused. also whats getting me most is the feeling like i cant feel my breathe going in almost like a smothering sensation like im trapped behind something can anyone relate to this sensation its really really scaring me! i get panicky all the time i also have d/p at the minute so jus wondering if that could be causing it?

04-04-05, 23:20
You arent trapped it is an anxiety feeling and when we home on to them we become a bit obsessed. Just try to remember however you feel you wont stop breathing as your body takes that on naturally. Dont forget that.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.