View Full Version : I, Robert

30-04-08, 12:38
Yes, I know the film is 'I, Robot' and I, Martin, but it made ya look, didn't it?

Anyway, I watched this film again the other night. In it, the hero is investigating a suspicious death and he can communicate with the deceased only through a pre-recorded holographic message from the dead guy. This hologram can only react in two ways in response to questions asked by the hero - either it does not understand or with 'now that's the right question'.

Well, as I've been using this site and listening to what many people say, I find that often I react in a thought/feeling way, I might both understand what someone is saying, yet also respond in an emotionally wobbling way, such as when dear theVoicewithinMe said the words 'silent cry for help' last week. Then I take this reaction away and consider it.

I feel like the hero and hologram combined, that my body gives me clues to what is happening, has happened to me, emotional clues that my head cannot control or suppress, and that I can only see these clues in relationship with others. If I begin to cry when reading someone's post, especially if I'm crying in response to words that 'shouldn't' engender tears, it seems that my body is saying 'now that's the right question'.

Does this make sense?


30-04-08, 13:02
Hi Martin... yeah that does make sense.. i find that i respond differently to some posts than others and it does seem to me that certain posts do touch a nerve and sometimes unexpectedly...i too think that this helps me to identify feelings and issues that i hadn't even considered relevant to me before........i recently read a post from someone (sorry i can't remember their name :blush: ) who was feeling deep sadness and worry at her child leaving home and that is something that i have experienced recently but thought i had come thru reletively unscathed...... but after reading her post i got quite emotional and i now realise that my child moving out has had a real affect on me and the sadness and feelings of loss are something that i still need to come to terms with....this has been a good thing for me cos it has helped me to understand a little more why my anxiety has so recently come crashing back... im not saying that this is the only reason and many many other posts are helping me build a picture of my anxiety but that one sticks in my mind....i think that was one of the 'right questions' for me ....
Thank you Martin.. another great post
Take Care

Eric Hoffer - "It is not so much the example of others we imitate as the reflection of ourselves in their eyes and the echo of ourselves in their words"

30-04-08, 14:08

"The Other Side of You' by Sally Vickers....there's a quote in it goes something like the following......."it can take your head a lifetime to understand what your gut knows instinctively"

"I want to know what sustains you, from the inside, when all else falls away. I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you truely like the company you keep in the empty moments."
'The Invitation' by Oriah Mountain Dreamer

For me ...those are the right questions!


30-04-08, 15:15
And right (for me also) because they have no answers that I can apply glibly or without some emotional effort.
