View Full Version : Can anyone help, I feel awful!! x

30-04-08, 13:32
Hi All,

I am new to this website and i feel that from what i can see on here my symptoms are that similar to others suffering from terrible anxiety.

My story...

For a few months now I have been constantly worrying about pains all over my body and lumps and bumps, especially a pain i keep getting in my lower right abdomen. This isnt there all of the time.I have had blood tests,abdominal examinations and everything seems to be fine.Even though i have convinced myself i am dying of Bowel cancer??????!!!!!!!

I had an operation back in feb on my shoulder and whilst i had this done,i never had any worries about pain or anything like that until my shoulder started to get better i satred to wind myself up over this pain again.....

I was off work for amonth whith my shoulder and also in this time i was buying a brand new house........I have been low for a long time and think that everything has got on top of me..I have moved to my other halfs dads until our new house sale went through and this is when i have started to feel sick..wake up with acid type feeling in my tummt(this i have never had before) it really scared me........

Do you think that my continuos worry of dying has got on top of me and is making me feel like this :-(...Any feedback would be greatly appreciated..Thank you for taking time to read my post.


milly jones
30-04-08, 13:41
ur in the right place hun x

have u been to ur gp and discussed these fears and ur anxiety symptoms?

u sound like uve had alot going on both physically and mentally lately.

i feel sick, coughing and wretching when i sense impending doom, often quite irrationally.

i dont have health anxiety but worry about making mistakes with people.

hope this helps a little,

milly xxxxxxxx

i have had help with cognitive behavioural therapy and antidepressants for anxiety disorder, but still have ups and downs.

this site is a wonderful place where like minded worriers can share tips, symptoms and successes

30-04-08, 13:48
Clarkybird - you sound exhausted and not surprising really what with the OP and house move saga.

I think it is stress making your brain whirl around and think horrible things and make your body feel so rubbish.

Have you spoken to a Dr?

Are you doing any form of relaxation and getting some space to practise being calm in ( even a relaxing bath, some deep breathing etc can help)

30-04-08, 13:53
hi there and welcome, this is very common what you have and usually something triggers it off, i had this after my nan died of cancer i was devastated and thought i had every illness going, she died 3 years ago but its eased off now and havent had it really in last year but i think certain things could trigger it off again, i find best way is to keep busy and i walk alot every day this in its self halfed my anxiety, a brisk walk every day
Hope you feel better soon xxxx

30-04-08, 15:44
Hi All,

Thank you so much for your replies.Its good to know that im not on my own with these feelings :-(.....

I have spoken to my doc and he has given me tabs for anxiety but i really think i need some form of antidepressant..I just feel that this anxiety is taking over my life.I have a little boy and loving partner and i have no get up and go at all.

We also completed on our house sale on friday.This shouldve been the happiest time of my life but i couldnt of cared less....It upsets me to feel like this and even typing this to you all now it upsets me :-(.

Will i ever feel better?
