View Full Version : in the morning with DP

03-04-05, 09:25
hi need some advice everytine i wake n the morning i feel like confused about where i am and m eyes start to go all black and vision breaks up a bit this makes me get really panicky my hearing also feels a bit low aswell. ive been suffering from depersonalisation for a few weeks now and have feeling like im not really here and like i feel all light and cant feel my body this gives the illusion of lightheaded its weird and horrible. could this be the reason for what im experiencing in the mornings? need advice if anyone else felt like this also if cud describe what they felt like in mornings with DP

03-04-05, 09:38
Hi Caz - I suffer with panic attacks but can relate completely to the lightheaded and not feeling my body (legs) feeling. Mornings are definitely the worst for this. The day stretches ahead of you and you think - I wonder what today is going to be like - then (with ne) the what-ifs creep in and I notice all the bodily sensations and over-react to them. Have you seen your GP? I have read in Claire Weekes book - essential help for your nerves that eye muscles can be so tense they cause vision disturbances. Hope this reassures just a little. Dawn x

03-04-05, 11:36
Hi Caz, I suffer anxiety, panics depression depersonalisation, and other things. I do not have any visual symptoms or hearing, unless it is the white noise where im in a situation I have to get out of.
If I wake up suddenly I am always worse, confused. I try to set my alarm earlier than what I need to be up so as I can lay and try and get it all together before moving,get the positive thinking working etc I take a flask of tea up the night before, if my husbands not home to wait on me, it really has made a difference.
I am like Dawn and get "What Ifs" to me this is the worst part of it all.
I hope this has made sense and helped a bit. Just always remember as I try, you are not alone and you will be Ok. take care. Alexis.xx

03-04-05, 19:04

i always find the mornings slightly worse as well, the dp/ and lightheadness are common and I use to get them really bad, but now its almost passed, in fact today got up absolutely fine, in fact upto about 1 oclock i had forgotten ive ever suffered with anxiety and even when it hit me, as it does, it quickly passed.
