View Full Version : Driving myself crazy

30-04-08, 14:25
So about a month ago I went to the GP because I was coughing up blood.. come to find out.. it was actually coming from my nose I'll spare the details but yuck..

The sent me for a chest xray and it came back abnormal apparently I had a cloudy/shadowy section on the left hand side of my right lung right near what my doctor said was where alot of the main veins are. Well I flipped out.. They wanted me to go for a CT Scan I couldn't bring myself to do it one of the meds I take can interact with the contrast dye they use in the CT and cause kidney damage so despite them telling me how rare it is for that to happen I outright refused the CT but agreeded to a second Xray.

I chickened out.. they gave me the script on April 2nd and I didn't go and get the xray done till this morning.. I had a follow-up with the GP yesterday you could tell in his voice and his actions he was ticked off at me for not getting the xray he knows I have horrible health anxiety.. he is the one who prescribed my effexor.. but still he just didn't want to hear it yesterday..

Now I'm worried again.. I tried to sneak a peek at the film when they had it up on the viewer but I couldn't see it very well... I tried to guage the reaction of the woman who took the film to see if she saw anything but she had one of those reassuring/mothering faces.. no luck there..

I hate this type of thing I keep telling myself it's going to be okay.. but looming over my head is the fact Dr. Grumpypants already said if the same thing shows up in this xray they are going to have to enforce the CT Scan.. blarg.. I hates Doctors.:mad:

30-04-08, 19:19
Hello Shadowwin !
Have the CT scan - it has to be better than this continuous worry. The radiographers are very experienced in this procedure,if you have any reaction to the contrast the scan can be immediately stopped (I speak from experience !) Often the scans are clear enough without the need for contrast - so go and find out !
Be kind to yourself