View Full Version : Hi there - NEWBY

30-04-08, 15:17
Hi everyone

My name is Jackie and although I have used the chat room a couple of times, I have never posted. I have suffered from panic/anxiety/depression for a number of years. I know what brings these episodes on, but will keep drinking, there is an underlying factor, but just got bottling it away. I have been in extreme panic mode since Monday and have not slept properly since then.

So glad I found all you guys!!

Jackie xx

30-04-08, 22:03
Hi Jackie. I'm new here too. I know how it feels from lack of sleep on top of everything else. For me it feels like I'm never properly awake or sleep.

Yes those "underlying factors" will get you every time. No matter how much we ignore them the b******s never go away. Hope this forum forum works out for us both.

30-04-08, 22:18
Hi Jackie....:welcome: to NMP..... im glad you found us...sorry you are having such a tough time at the moment, anxiety is horrible and exhusting.... I hope the forum is helping... keep posting

30-04-08, 22:33
hi there and welcome, you will find loads of advice and support here and make new friends too

30-04-08, 22:37
:welcome: to the site! :D

01-05-08, 11:23
Thank you all for your lovely messages and thoughts, I am going to Spain on Saturday with my husband and I am dreading it!! My husband is SO understanding, but I cant tell him as it is his birthday weekend. I am scared of loosing it on the plane, when we are there etc. My worst time is the morning, any help?

Jackie x

01-05-08, 12:49
Hello Jackie And Welcome.....i Wish Ya Well........im Sure You Will Do Fine On Flight Have Hubby Right Next To To Keep Ya Busy Talking Ect Games .................linda

01-05-08, 17:47
Hi and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :smile:

01-05-08, 19:28
HI Jackie,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,