View Full Version : Sudden Overwhelming Tiredness??

30-04-08, 20:10
I keep getting this sudden overwhelming tired feeling, I just suddenly feel so zonked and have no energy, as if somebody has come along and wiped me out. I a OK one minute then the next I feel like curling up in a ball and cannot think about doing anything. My whole body seems to say enough and it stops me in my tracks.
Does anyone else get this, is it stress or panic or something more which is what is worrying me?
I have had a lot on this last week with a funeral and worry about lots of things. But not sure why these attacks come on?
Any help????

30-04-08, 20:21

yes i know how you feel , this happens alot to me and i just put it down to the anxiety..
But also you have had a lot to deal with last week , so that wont be helping .
Sorry i wasnt much help.

Love Sandyjanexxx

30-04-08, 21:09
Hi Petmad..... do you feel panicky or anxious at times too or is it just the tiredness?... i know when i feel anxious i can get really exhusted and after a panic attack i feel like i have run a marathon. :wacko: .. i also find anxiety completely demotivates me too, all i want to do when its bad is go to bed and sleep...
If you are still feeling this way in a week or so check in with your doctor and im sure he/she will be able to reassure you that everything is ok ....you have had a tough week, rest up and sleep when you need to and im sure you will feel better soon
x :hugs:

01-05-08, 11:35
Having low b12 can cause this. I would be at work one minute all fine then i just got this rush of tiredness that lasted until the next day when i got up.

01-05-08, 14:51
I have been getting this on and off for years put it down to three kids, a full time job, running a house etc when you think about it all we actually do quite a lot, I have had numerous blood tests etc over the years and nothing actually shows up, I know girls in work swear by various seeds, nuts, fruits etc when they feel like this (the sensible older crowd) others swear by energy drinks, chocolates crisps etc (The younger ones) I think everyone gets it from time to time and yes emotional upheaval does make it worse for example the funeral (Sometimes I think we under go emotional crisises more often than we realise and we might not always be aware of this).

Go to docs ask for a full blood count and see what happens, it is probably nothing,.

Good Luck


01-05-08, 19:19
I had it a lot last year, I'd spend half the day in bed convinced I had something very wrong with me. I had a bit of a P.A before and again it just left me exhausted from the stress of it.

01-05-08, 22:31
This is one of the main causes of my panic attacks and is also the single symptom that led to my agorophobia. That awful feeling of feeling as though you are just going to have to lie down now wherever you are is so overwhelming. I even feel too exhausted to breath sometimes. I am at present waiting for a new diagnosis but I suffer from an underactive thyroid which is treated with thyroxine and according to tests is now controled (I sometimes wonder whether it still fluctuates) I am also of menopausal age and I hear that that causes extreme tiredness in some people. Plus I was diagnosed 3 years ago with polymialgia rheumatica which is a type of artheritis that affects the soft tissue. I have been taking steroids for this which did help initially but I have now been told that this was the wrong diagnosis and am currently coming off them so that I can be re diagnosed. The consultant I am seeing is favouring Fybromialgia which presents with extreme fatigue rather like ME.

I definately think you should check with your gp and get blood test done. I wish that I had gone sooner. But it is a hard thing to pin point if there is not something obvious. Do you have any pain or have you had a viral infection recently.

I think exhaustion is really underestimated as a disabling condition. Everyone tends to think you are either lazy or just giving into things. I hope you get sorted and wish you well.

miss diagnosis
02-05-08, 09:21
are you near your period when this happens?
I always find a few days before im due on I cant move with the tiredness and it just hits all of a sudden.
Its bang on every month so it may be b12. I am taking a suppliment at the mo. it might be worth keeping note of when the tiredness hits.

02-05-08, 16:56
Thanks for all your messages.
I had blood tests done at christmas and they were all OK. Maybe its a virus as I do tend to pick them up after periods of worry and stress and the run up to the funeral made me very anxious. Its weird how I will suddenly feel so tired though. But it could be a virus as I felt a bit low and sicky this week and just felt worn out! Must be age...
I am off work today and so glad to chill, been a busy week and hoping I catch up on sleep and feel better?
Just feels its one thing after another at the moment, yes having 2 kids, a house, 2 jobs and a husband is very tiring!!
thanks again x

madam cholet
07-09-09, 22:32
I keep getting this sudden overwhelming tired feeling, I just suddenly feel so zonked and have no energy, as if somebody has come along and wiped me out. I a OK one minute then the next I feel like curling up in a ball and cannot think about doing anything. My whole body seems to say enough and it stops me in my tracks.

Hi, I had just this, it was due to gluten intolerance - the curling up in a ball bit sounds so familiar, which i don't get now i strictly avoid all gluten (it took a while for me to be convinced that even just a tiny bit could have such an effect, but it works for me!) Maybe yours could be diet related too?

hope you're feeling better

07-05-15, 14:28
Hi Petmad,
I had the very same thing happening to me. I had many full blood tests, i found out i was aneamic firstly, then that my Vit-B12 was very low, I now take vitamin B12 i did have other symptoms too,
I have been diagnosed as having HYPERPARATHYROIDISM . but you don't need to have all of the symptoms. I am also of menopausal age, i was checked to see if i was pre-menopausal too, which i am not.
If you go back to your Dr, you could ask for another blood test to check your PTH levels (parathyroid) (mine were high) and your blood calcium (mine were high) and phospate levels (mine were low), also your Vit-D, i had vit-d deficiency also. All of these together indicate HYPERPARATHYROIDISM.
This can be treated.
You may not have this at all, but its rare, and not all Drs are aware of it.
I have an appointment at the end of June with an Endocrinologist to discuss this with.
I hope this helps. Even to rule it out.

13-03-16, 11:06
Hi guys, just joined up, I was searching the web for some answers as to why I'm having these sudden overwhelming bursts of tiredness, one minute I'm fine then out of no where I'm exhausted. to the point where its really affecting me at my job. I understand its an old thread but for those that have posted have any feedback as to why it happened? I have a doctors appointment booked for thursday but interested to here what the outcome was with you guys

Thanks in advance