View Full Version : scary symptom!!

03-04-05, 11:48
hi again,
i still feel s*** this morning, something really scared me last night, my chap had to go to work last night [first time in a while] so i was on my own, i felt a bit stressed when i went to bed, after a little while i drifted off to sleep, then i woke up to my heart really bumping hard it was that bad i thought it was going to jump out of my chest, im not exagurating about the force of it thumping, it acually woke me up, ive never had anything like that before, it really scared me, esp as it woke me up it hasnt done it since,do you think its from the anxiety and will anything happen, if or when it happens again
from a very worried sue[Sigh...]

03-04-05, 12:00
hi Sue,

I have never had this myself but I know it's very common amongst anxiety sufferers. You have nothing to worry about as it can't hurt you..

Sarah :D

03-04-05, 12:04
Ohhh gawd Sue yes.... I've had my heart pound SO hard due to anxiety, when I try to sit there and lay back on the soft to try and calm down it's actually made my body rock forwards and backwards slightly due to the force of the beat. When it calms back down I sometimes have a dull ache in my chest and back which goes with rest.

Hope this helps,


03-04-05, 12:08
hi sue

I was always like that when i get pa's it was always the night time that was the worst for me it was always about 3, id wake up and literally have to jump out of bed not knowing what to do jus tin a blinding oanic which is really hard to cope with when you have just been fast asleep, i never understood why it happened at night now i do get the odd time when i wake up but i just lie there and think calm down saying it over and over in my head, i did sit one night and try to think what is this feeling and can i make it worse by thinking about it, and you cant really and at that point i just thought well i know now that this wont hurt me other than being the most horrible feeling in the world it cant hurt you next time you feel it get up and try to write down what the feeling feels like just give it a try good luck xxx

kairen x

03-04-05, 12:10
thanks mark,
what i dont understand is that i was acually asleep when this happened it really freaked me out this morning thinking about it as i dont get panic attacks very often as i can control it before it gets hold of me but i do get jittery, and worry about my bodily symptoms like breathing ect but not my heart
regards sue

03-04-05, 12:24
thanks kieran,
i cant remember exactly, but i think i was coughing [i havent got a bad cough though ] that might of woke me up but i dont understand my heart pounding like that
luv sue

03-04-05, 13:21
Sue I suffer from this but can now control it and indeed it does not worry me anymore.

The first time it happened we were camping in Dorset two years ago, in the middle of the night I awoke with the urgent urge to go to the loo, almost as if I had eaten something bad. I pulled on a fleece and shoes and made it to the loo just in time and without exageration my heart was thumping so hard you could see in beating in my throat. It was so scary and happened every night for about two months. I was exhausted. Then I learnt that instead of getting up (which is what you want to do) I make myself lie there and slow my breathing ignoring my heart so in for 4 and out for four, I do this three times then start counting backwrds from 100 in my head.

When I first did this it took me about an hour or more to get back to sleep but now when it happens maybe a couple of times a week I am back to sleep within minutes.

Hope this helps reasure you - it first happened to me two years ago and I am still here[^]

Take care...Angie

03-04-05, 14:04
Angie - thats a excellent strategy - well done !

03-04-05, 18:58

ive felt like my heart was gonna jump out of my chest at times, in fact in beat so hard i could feel it in my temples, arms, legs, stomach...........but angies advice is excellent, just calm the breathing, accpet it for what it is........just worry making it beat hard and it soon passes.


03-04-05, 20:26
hi sue

use deep slow breathing tecniques, this will help to slow things down for you...and accept it is part of your anxiety,...if you focus on it ..it will be more pronounced.

take care

04-04-05, 00:00

How you felt is common for some of us. You wil obviously have gone to bed unsettled with your bf having to go to work and you been alone.

You coped well though hon and recognised the symptoms. They are worse when they happen in the night if you are alone because like i feel, there is no support net work readily available like there is through the day. My biggest part of panic attacks happened at night and before i went to bed i would work myself up and by the time i fell asleep i had already pre empted that i would wake up having one, which i did.

You take care.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.