View Full Version : Sign in Stranger

30-04-08, 20:36
This might end up being a bit scatty. I'm just going to type as I go with no drafting.

Finally made the move to join up to a forum where I can chat to like minded nut-jobs, excuse me, fellow sufferers. I'm feeling pretty down at the moment and making light of serious situations helps, a little. I think. There are specific reasons why I feel particularly depressed right now and perhaps I'll bother you all with that a little later.

I've been suffering with anxiety for the past couple of years or so and this has resulted in agoraphobia. I no longer drive. Rarely go out and spend much of my time on this damned computer. Although I hope I use it in a mostly constructive way. Suffice to say that I'm not presently employed. And I'm single - obviously. Who wants to put up with this besides one's self? No that's not self-pity, just an observation gained from experience.

I don't usually feel sorry for myself as such because I'm naturally optimistic if anything, although very cynical too. A realist in other words. I do believe that tomorrow everything could change for the best but some days I just don't have the energy for that and today is most definately one of those.

But I must be positive and look ahead. One of the reasons I joined up was because I noticed members here have meet-ups. And in my area too. Of course there's no guarantee I'll be able to attend, presuming I'd be welcome as I'm new. Don't want to sound too presumptious! But it gives me something to aim for perhaps. Of course I hope to offer advice too, as well as receive it.

I used to work "In IT" (doesn't everyone?), and as a musician have played loads of gigs but for now I'm constructing a home studio to record my own work. I like to laugh. I like to smile. Even when I'm down I fight hard and if I can't I just sleep until it subsides.

I'm presently taking a 300mg daily dose of venlafaxine - "Hey any venlafaxine users out ther tonight?" I've also been drinking in the last week or two. Nothing excessive I think (he says taking another gulp of Tesco vintage claret), but it allows me to get off to sleep rather than just bloody lying there waiting for sleep to come.

Erm, is that enough that now?


30-04-08, 20:45
...Well Hello Gary and welcome to the forum :)


(BTW..I don't work in IT!...lol)

30-04-08, 20:48
Hi Gary...:welcome: to NMP....glad you found the site... sorry i don't have any experience of Venaflaxine but im sure there are people on the forum who will...
Just wanted to say hi and welcome
Take Care

30-04-08, 21:00
Hi Gary and welcome to NMP


30-04-08, 21:23
Hello and thank you bluebell, Rachel and Carol.

30-04-08, 22:38
:welcome: to the site! :D

30-04-08, 23:14
Thanks Joe.

01-05-08, 08:49
hiya gary :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :D . you will get lots of support/advice and make some great friends along the way. dont forget to visit the chat room where you can talk to us all about things, relax and have a giggle. hope to talk to you soon
best wishes
take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


01-05-08, 09:44
if ya lookin for fellow nutjobs ya come to the right place!!! they all nuts on ere!!! :ohmy:

anyways welcome to the site matey :yesyes:

it really is a good site full of some of the nicest people i think ive met, and understand wat your going thru, and a really friendly bunch, youll find lots of support here its helped me loads, also made some great friends on ere (stalkers) am sure you will too!

the forums are great very informative n helpfull and the chatste is also really good if you have any concerns, want a general chitchat or just let off steam or need any help, theyre a really friendly and supportive lot :yesyes:

hope to see you around

take care n stay positive


01-05-08, 09:50
Hi Gary

:welcome: to the forum , im sure you have already had a good look around and found out alot of info. Im so glad you have found us.

Im sorry your having a hard time and wish you well with all you do
you have come to a friendly site with a wealth of support and making friends who suffer the same as you.

Take care

01-05-08, 12:24
It's a long road of course but I already feel the site is having a positive effect. It's good to be with people who 'get it', so-to-speak.

Thank you kellie, green and ness. :)

01-05-08, 12:44
hello gary and welcome.....i wish ya well...you find lots of support here and make some new friends.........linda

01-05-08, 13:01
Thank you very much Linda.

01-05-08, 16:07
Hi Gary

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

01-05-08, 16:57
Thank you Jo :)

01-05-08, 17:50
Hi and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :smile:

01-05-08, 19:21
Hi Gary,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

01-05-08, 19:31
:) Thank you Nibbles and chalky.

01-05-08, 19:32
Hellooooooooooooo :D

:welcome: to the site Gary :)

01-05-08, 20:38
:D Hello pickle and thank you for the welcome. I'm certainly glad I found all of you.

01-05-08, 23:16

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

01-05-08, 23:56
Thanks Trac. Already feeling the positive benefits of joining up :)

04-05-08, 16:05
Hi Gary,

Welcome to the site. You will find many here who feel exactly like you do and you will find support.


Laura :flowers:

05-05-08, 12:19
Thank you Laura. Indeed you are right. This community is a genuine tonic :)