View Full Version : New guy with a problem

30-04-08, 23:02
First off hi there to all you readers :blush:.

I've had this problem now for just over 2 years and really starting to pev me off a little. I'm happy to go all out, because hopefully i can't be identified.

I'm a bloke in his early twenties and i've been suffering acute panic attacks. Some lasting no longer than forty minutes others lasting up to nine hours. I've had a fairly rough childhood (5 - 13yo). No sexual abuse, but more than my lifetimes worth of physical/psychological abuse from a still imprisioned :curse: of a step-father :nicked:.

I had a break in a hospital and a nurse ('Beril', where ever you are now i probably owe my life to you, thank you from the brim of my heart), read a few pages of a diary I was taking. Soon I was in foster care ,then finally returned to my father when i was 14. Things have been up and up from then.

I joined the military at 16 and have now a good steady life. As soon as i was 17 i did my 125cc motorcycle test and bought with my own money my first motorbike. Everyone on my dad's side of the family has done so for, now four generations :). I've had a few more bikes since then and had a few crashes.

Now none of the first 3 minor ( no bones broken ) crashes afftected me much. However, my last crash was at 110mph (yes i was being stupid, taking advantage of an end of night shift run home). This crash didn't break bones, but i cracked most of my ribs ( landed in a grass field luckily ) and dislocated my shoulder. I took the next 2 weeks off with my own leave...

I had the usual 'I really don't want to see another motorbike again' feeling for a week, but it past and i've now upgraded to a bigger bike again, which I've not crashed for just over 2 years (touch wood).

That day however, was the day the Panic Attacks came and stayed :mad:. Now I'm afraid that if I tell any Doctor:
1) I'll have to quit my job
2) Get medically down-graded - thus making me inapt to work...
3) Be the laughing stock of the camp - because my records I know aren't held in confidence. (They suspected me as epileptic, after a heat stoke long story short) banter soon came out quick.

I'm also afraid of telling my family, as they spent alot of time getting me back and have plenty to worry about other than me. I know they love me, but i can't just trust anyone even if they are family as i've learnt.

Although I have acute attacks. They only come once a week and i can normally keep it visably under control ( i.e hide in the toilet via dodgey food in the mess syndrome :whistles:). Most happen when i'm in my block, but rare occasions happen at work.

I've also spent over 300 days out of area in sandy places and never have the problem out there :shrug:. My life back in the UK is slow and i find that having loads on my plate can actually stop me having Attacks. I bury myself in work as much as i can without being a 'sniffer'. My skill in my hobbies has increased loads aswell.

However, my social life/skills are almost none existant and human contact outside of work is very very rare unless you count cashiers :winks:. I would blame my troubled childhood for not being able to make out of work girl/friends, but i know better that it is me just having little to no motivation outside of work...

I don't expect anything in response to this post, but it feels like a load albeit a small one has been lifted.

Thankyou for reading and i bare you a farewell.

30-04-08, 23:46
Hi ... Welcome to NMP.. glad you found us...i can understand you reluctance to go public with your anxiety/panic symptoms and im not gonna tell you that you should cos i think your concerns are probably valid... i would like to think that the things that you fear might happen wouldn't, but im sure that you have your reasons for thinking that they might....However no one here is gonna judge you in this way... panic attacks are horrible but can be beaten...one of the things that works for me is something you referred to in your post, that being distraction .... i find that when i am absorbed in something that takes my focus, my anxiety lessons ....,...if i feel a panic attck coming on i try to burn off the adrenalin thats produced by activity... i walk or climb stairs anything really as long as it involves some sort of physical activity....it can work....im sure lots of people will relate to your comments about lack of motivation when it comes to building relationships too ... anxiety can definitely do that it takes all our energy to deal with th anx and can leave little left for anything else... if there is no way to access support services thru work, then please keep posting here if it helps cos we will all try to support you any way we can..
Take care

30-04-08, 23:47
:welcome: to the site! :D

01-05-08, 00:25
Hey CBR!

Distraction! one of the greatest tools of an anxiety sufferer! Through all my periods of panic etc I too do not feel the intensity when I am busy! I feel far less anxious when I am rushing around with work or family and like you the moment things slow down I feel the panic rising! The one thing to take from this is that anxiety can not harm! If it could, it would do it whether we were busy or inactive. As a mum and a full time worker I find the majority of the time I do not have the time to be anxious and any anxiety I may feel soon passes as I am involved with other things. The problem is when I slow down! It gives you more time to think and more time to blow things out of proportion! Hence I find it hard to relax! One thing I try to tell myself is I am the same person when I am busy as I am when I relax - the only difference is my mind has more time to go wild when I am relaxing but that doesn't mean what I think will happen.

I hope this rambling makes some kind of sence, you are not alone in this.

Denise x

01-05-08, 09:07
hiya :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :biggrin: . you will get lots of support/advice and make some new friends along the way. hope to talk to you in chat some time .
best wishes
take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


01-05-08, 09:26

Welcome to the forum and so glad you found us:welcome: .

I hope by talking with us more it may help you in some way to move forward.
I can understand it must be very difficult for you to tell anyone whats going on for fear of losing your job but dont you think in your line of work alot of people have difficulties and talk about it to the docs.

take care of you

01-05-08, 12:55
Hello Cbr And Welcome.......i Wish Ya Well You Will Find Lots Of Support Here And Make Friends Most Of Us Can Relate.....linda

01-05-08, 17:47
Hi and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :smile:

01-05-08, 19:01
Hello and welcome I'm sure you will get alot of good advise and meet some great people on here.


01-05-08, 19:05
HI cbr600rs,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,