View Full Version : Hormones arrghh (I think this is more of a rant)

01-05-08, 00:29
Hi Everyone

I am just so sick and tired of my hormones:angry::angry::sad: I think they are all over(problems with periods, etc etc), I am depressed as it is I dont need this added thing.

I have been really upset (well I have been crying over nothing really )tonight over something really silly, well about one month ago or so I made a male friend online(well partner wasnt too pleased), we was online most nights and everthing, and swapped mobile phone numbers and he used to text at least everyday, sometimes more than once.

That is until now, just recently he hasnt been online just recently, and not text as much, and quite often he hasnt text or been online:frown::frown:, I think I might have bored him off. I find it really hard to make friends, due to my lack of confidence, and shyness etc etc.

I don't know really why I have posted this I am sorry, I just wanted to rant somewhere.


01-05-08, 13:41
hi ya sorry to hear that your down, i hope you fell better soon i to suffer with prob with my periods, if want someone to chat to feel free to pm me any time and we can chat on msn or something if you would.

amanda xx hugs xx

Pink Panic
01-05-08, 14:49
I'm a tad hormonal too!! I'm on at the mo and it seems like i can cry at the slightest thing ..... even the adverts :weep:

I'd be happy to chat to you anytime too. :hugs:


01-05-08, 14:57
HORMONES GRRRR! I have been making quite a rapid and successful recovery from my panics anxiety etc, however a week last sunday sat in pub waiting for hubby (it started pains dizziness so on and so on usual panic attack stuff) couldn't wait to get home, served up sunday lunch felt like back to square one, very upset sunday night thought back to square one week got gradually worse, the period appeared following sunday this week felt awful spaced out pains light headed etc night sweats for following two days, noticed an improvement yesterday, feel ok today dreading next months whole shebag.

What is it with these blasted hormones ??????????????

you are not alone girls.



05-05-08, 10:11
Hi Everyone

Many Thanks for those that have replied. Well later on Thursday night, I spoke with my online friend, and he just said he was busy, ok.

Well that is the last time I text, or heard from him, :lac::mad:. I just dont really know what is going on, I even text him yesterday and I have heard diddly squat, he has gone from texting all the time to days without texting or anything.

I don't know what I have done wrong :unsure::sad:, I am just really worrying now, I keep thinking perhaps its just a joke, to make friends with me, or perhaps I have bored him to death, sorry I am going on about it. Perhaps he is sick of my moaning, oh I just don't know. He normally texts if he can't get online.

This is really doing my head in. I thought aha I have made a friend I can speak with them who isnt my partner, my mum or dad, or partners family, it is someone else. Who else do you moan to when your partner/hubbie is annoying you, your friend?, exactly.

Sorry my head is just :mad::mad::mad::angry: