View Full Version : This Forum Works

01-05-08, 02:26
I've been a member here for well over 7 hours now. How time flies. And I'm feeling better already.

Seriously despite the short time here I feel a little easier knowing this community exists. I was feeling very depressed indeed today but now I don't feel so alone.

It's all too easy to forget sometimes just how important it is to have contact with others and how easy it is to slip into isolation.

So anyway, this is a brief note just to say thank you to those I've exchanged words with today and those responsible for creating this site in the first place.

And for now I just might sleep a little better tonight.

01-05-08, 02:36
Pleased to hear that Gary.
This is our first exchange of words and before I say goodnight, I'll back up your thank you to the site creators.
See you around and goodnight.

01-05-08, 10:28
Hi Gary,
I also find it a great help to know there are others here that are suffering the same worries as myself and are always willing to offer good advice.
I have had a lot of help from this forum since i joined and know i will continue to do so.
Take care

01-05-08, 11:50
:yesyes: Hi Gary and welcome, this site has helped me so much.

It is a godsend.

Take care
Mandy x:D

01-05-08, 12:02
Hi Gary,

Before finding this site 4/5 weeks ago, I was on the verge of thinking nobody would ever understand how I truly feel...and was also feeling very cut off and isolated.

The day I found the site was truly a godsend, and also a turning point for me. To find other people who know how I feel, and for me to be able to help them and vice versa is a blessing.

Thanks to the encouragement of some very good people on here, I am gradually making progress, and managing to hold onto my new positive attitude.

Kaz xxx

01-05-08, 12:18
Hi gary i feel same as everyone here and it makes you realise you are not weird or suffering alone and there are loads of people with same probs and issues, im really pleased you settled in well xxxxxx

01-05-08, 12:43
Hi Gary, beleive me this site is the best thing that ever happened to me, well not including my children & my family of course !!!!

But this is like a second family but one that accepts the tears and the moans and cheers you on when you achieve such a small thing but is a moutain in the view of these conditions.

Welcome to the family :hugs: :hugs:

Christine xx :flowers:

01-05-08, 13:19
Hi Gary

I would be lost without this site, its helped me realise that im not alone with this anxiety

love mandie x

01-05-08, 13:23
This site has helped me so much to Gary.And the people here are fab,luv them all:bighug1: :bighug1:

01-05-08, 13:25
This site makes my mornings (my worst part of the day) SO MUCH easier to bear!

01-05-08, 13:37

i am so glad this forum helps you it realy is a nice place to be and has gave me so much help over the years i have no idea what i would do with out it at times

jodie xxx