View Full Version : Does anyone?

01-05-08, 07:18

Does anyone get the feeling of am i really here? I keep thinking did i really do something last week or was it just a dream :( i feel awful :(

any help woud be apriciated:) x

01-05-08, 12:10

Seem's like you're thinking too much Rick, we could go on forever with Philosophy. This isn't depersonalisation, because that is here and now. You're actually thinking about past things that you've done in your time, (as you've explained - 'last week').

Try and concentrate on the future if you can. Set some goals to achieve. No point in worrying about yesterday, unless you have issues to work through that's causing disruption in your life. Try and keep busy if you can.

Hope you feel better soon x

05-06-08, 20:25
Hiya Rick!! I am constantly like that at the moment. I am trying to carry on with everything and sometimes i'll be fine and i'll suddenly be like "woah am i really here" eugh! i definelty think wayyyy to much about things.

05-06-08, 21:31
You need to get something to occupy your mind. Do you have a hobby of any sort that might help you at times like this?

Being with other people might help you stop thinking. It is hard I know when you feel like this to have rational thoughts but you must try and rise above this and get on with your life.

Yes you are really here I am reading the letter you typed out so you must be.

Fingers crossed you'll feel better soon.:yesyes: