View Full Version : Floored by memories

01-05-08, 09:50
Music is very important to me, I was a teenager in the 70's.... great fun along with the fashions that were part of it.

Mostly I get a real high on music, but sometimes a record is played that floors me, it can bring back a painful memory of long ago, all so vivid.
Something that happend 25 years ago can seem like yesterday.

Can anybody relate to this?


01-05-08, 09:56
Hi Dave

yes I can relate to this very much and Im sure alot of others will say the same.

Music, smells, food causes me great pain and severe anxiety leading to panic, our house is hard to live in because of me and my brain.
Its horrible when it washes over you and takes you back to that painful time, im sorry it is happening to you, people think Im stupid but they dont realise what it does to you and the effects of the impact it has.

take care of you
love smudgie

01-05-08, 10:05
Hi Dave

I can relate to you:hugs: music is a very powerful thing. There are songs that really upset me because they remind me of my father who passed away 13 years ago. There are songs that remind of boyfriends in my teenage years:yesyes: . Also songs that remind me of happy times:) .

One song i love to hear is "Come on Eilleen" dont no if you remember it, but it always reminds me of my teenage years, when i used to go down the pub, as soon as that song was played on the jute box everyone in the pub would sing it at the top of there voice:D .

Happy days ehh?


01-05-08, 12:37
Oh Dave I can really relate to this hun absolutely - sometimes the music that upsets me doesn't really have a link to something sad or awful its just makes me far too nostalgic.

I listened to the Rolling Stones the other day and it made me want to jump up and dance and be all groovy but equally I heard 'Native New Yorker' by Odyssey which while I love the tune made me feel as flat as a pancake!!!:weep:

It's the same with smells - newly mown grass always reminds me of the school playing fields when I was a teenager.

I think for me not get too down in the dumps I have to listen to old tracks with peeps that are around the same age as me, then we can all go down memory lane together - otherwise its a lonely journey.

Love Piglet :flowers:

01-05-08, 12:51
Yep, this happens to me too. I'm a HUGE music fan, and as Piglet has already said smells are the same.

For some reason,.. eating Pine Nuts reminds me of the smell of Chlorine from the train stations when I was 3yrs old, travelling with my mum.

01-05-08, 15:37
I know what You mean Dave:D

Even now certain records remind me of certain times:)

Kaz x x x:hugs:

Hope 2
01-05-08, 17:08
Hi Dave :D

Have this image of u doing a Night Fever job on the dance floor , larva lamps etc :shades:
Seriously though , love the thread , and yes I totally get yah .
I honestly think my love of music has got me through this life so far . I kinda turned to it in my very early teens for comfort and inspiration . Yeah I digged all the new romantic types ........ me and trillions of other girlies eh ladies lol .... but the love of my life has most definitely gotta be U2 . That said I listen to all sorts . From James Blunt to Sinatra . Anyway that aint wot u asked eh :blush:

Some kinds of music or specific songs 'wake up' something inside don't they . Whether it be good or bad , music aint fussy eh ! But emotions I felt at the time reappear big time , usually sad one's , but I find it hard to cry and this is a huge relief when I do . All because of the 'music' .......... would be lost without it .

Nice One Dave
Hope xx

01-05-08, 17:45
Hi Guys, yep music is powerful.
I remember my first Single, Thin Lizzy, Whisky In The Jar, ... I've still got it!
On goes the HiFi as soon as I get home, I'm always listening to something.
Oh yes, you should see me in the white suit with the medalion doing the Saturday Night Fever routine......

Hey you Guys lets Boogie on down !!:grouphug: xxx

01-05-08, 18:08
Oh yes, you should see me in the white suit with the medalion doing the Saturday Night Fever routine......

Lol I'm with you there hun - my era totally!!!:yesyes:


Hope 2
01-05-08, 18:19
Hi folks

Saturday Night Fever for me these days is cos of deli belly from a dodgy kebab :whistles:

Hope xx

01-05-08, 18:26
Hope and Piglet, you two are soooo bad... hehe xx:shades:


Hope 2
01-05-08, 18:57
Hey Dave .......... yeh never tewd us yr wore glasses lol

Flippin funny that mate am in creases :roflmao:

01-05-08, 19:13
Hi all,

I can also relate to this...funny this is brought up today.

I live in Nashville TN. They have the replica of the Parthenon here.
That's why they also call it " The Athens of the South " our town is also know as " Music City USA "
...anyway.. I bring this up because today I took a very long walk which took me to the park where The Parthenon is.

I used to hang out at this park during the 70's and sit on the huge steps and listen to music and play ( or try ) the guitar etc.

I hadn't been there in ages and when I went there and stood on those same steps today that I used to sit on when I was 14-15 years old ...I got very melancholy.
It is amazing how places, music , smells will effect you.

Staying alive :whistles: Staying Alive :whistles:

01-05-08, 20:12
Thanks for that Freefalling, happy daze:yesyes:

Hi Hope, nah, didn't mention the glasses, there again you haven't mentioned your Thong! hehe:whistles:

01-05-08, 20:35
Music is the same for me. Right now I am listening to a song that reminds me of someone really important to me. It makes me happy.....and sad because they are far away. I agree Hope; music can 'wake' something in you. Things you had forgotten, people, loves, loss, places, pain etc. It is almost like it opens the diary you have written in your mind.

I love the power music has in my life. I can't imagine the emptiness there would be in its absence. Growing up in a musical family it has been as integral to who I am (if not more) as the education I received or the people who influenced my growth.

So I welcome those songs that make me cry or my heart ache. Of course I prefer the ones that make me dance around the kitchen on a Saturday morning in my pj's while my daughter laughs at me.

I can't dance :p

01-05-08, 20:46
Hi Dave

I used to love the bay city rollers when i was a kid:blush: , in my tarten trousers and my tarten scarf tied around my wrist.

Ohhh im singing "shangalang" now...lol i feel like a teenager again, wish i looked it though !!:winks:


01-05-08, 20:57
Oh Andy hun I was so cross with my mum once, cos she wouldn't let me camp outside Preston Guild Hall overnight with my mates to get tickets to see them - mind you she did help sew tartan on me jeans!!!

Shang a lang, shang a lang!

Love Piglet :flowers:

01-05-08, 21:01
Hi Dave
Yes i know what you mean. I love the old songs from my teens too 70s. I even went to see the Osmonds, Donny Osmond concert who had the 'bay city rollers', 'david cassidy' and 'david essex' on the same show (sad arent i):blush: ...but you know what (like a right soft lump) i totally filled up and couldnt help but cry becasue the feelings that came over me were overwhelming:weep: ...thinking of when i was young and what i was doing when these songs were hits it was amazing..."and they called it puppy love"
And guess what....im going again to see them on 22nd may in the 'arena in newcastle....wooohoooo get the hankies out.

01-05-08, 21:01
LOL Piglet, i wonder if they still sell CDs of Bay City Rollers now wouldnt that be good im going to check it out, would love to hear thier music again:blush: .

Piglet i can just see you now in those trendy jeans !!:shades:

"bye bye baby!baby good bye!":yesyes:


01-05-08, 22:23
This is for the Tartan Army out there, ..... you know who you are:whistles:
name and shame... hehe:winks:

..... and more xx


01-05-08, 22:30
:lisa: :lisa: :lisa:

Now thats what i call a scarf Dave !:winks:


01-05-08, 22:43
Wonder if everything under the scarfs tartan too?:blush:

01-05-08, 22:47
Aww Woody :hugs:

Piglet :flowers:

02-05-08, 19:18
Wonder if everything under the scarfs tartan too?:blush:


03-05-08, 09:09
Yeh woody
wonder why the scarf is so long lol

Hope 2
03-05-08, 13:50
Hey Guys :yesyes:

Flippin Norah Dave :roflmao: u come up wi sum crackin un's ..........
am so glad u do !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Laughter is most defo the best medicine eh guys :yesyes:

Toodle pip
Hope xx
ps Dave only thing I use me thongs for r flossin me teeth mate :whistles:

03-05-08, 18:55
Cor Hope2, flossing me teeth with your Thong is a real turn on ! woohooxx:whiplash:

Smudgie, mine is 12inches longer than Woodys ...... scarf that is lol:whistles: xx

Hope 2
04-05-08, 02:22
Now then Now then ......... lets keep it clean eh cos after all it is Sunday :winks:
And here I am thinkin about scottish men in kilts :blush: phwoar

happy day folks
Hope xx

04-05-08, 09:05
Do they have to be scottish hope2...??? .....any man woooohoooooo

04-05-08, 09:08
I'm male, I'm willing, I'm available? tartan on request !? lol:winks:

04-05-08, 09:11
Gosh dave your a bit of a goer LOL

04-05-08, 09:22
haha Ness, more like a bit of a dreamer methinks lol:whistles: x

04-05-08, 09:27
Dreams are ok but yeh i guess your right not quite the real thing.LOL

04-05-08, 10:45
Mmmm, the real thing ..... that would be nice:winks:

Wasn't that the Coca Cola advert?, "The Real Thing"

04-05-08, 12:45
The Real Thing mmmmmmmm - Reminds me of Walton Hop lol. I managed to sneak in with my cousin, I was underage :D tee hee

Honeybee - Bay City Roller Cds are still available - I have 5 :yesyes: :yesyes: