View Full Version : No Panic Helpline

01-05-08, 13:16
Im been working myself up to calling and today i felt at at all time low, i dont know what i expected but it wasnt what i thought.... i feel really let down, i was told to eat a banana, i know these people are great cos they are doing it for free and everything and i should be grateful! Maybe just me and her didnt connect. :weep:
Can anyone recommend a name of one of the volunteers cos you usually get a few to choose from?
I hope people dont think im an ungrateful cow for asking this question? :weep:

01-05-08, 13:26
Im sending you a hug Popsy or two!!!!
:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

01-05-08, 13:34
Thanks Yorkylover xxx
Im really woried now incase the no panic helpline woman is a member here and see's this message and remmebers me, id hate to cause offence...

Pink Panic
01-05-08, 14:06
Hi Popsy,

I called them one morning a couple of years ago and got a less than sympathetic woman on the line too :weep:
She told me to check my shoulders as they were prob up round my ears :wacko: and to read some books on stress! Not quite what i was hoping for either.

If this woman is here and does read your message she will at least see that you aren't being ungrateful just that her advice wasn't really what you wanted to hear.


01-05-08, 14:08
think i will give it another go just maybe pick a different name! xxx

01-05-08, 14:18
Hey Popsy.

I called NoPanic once for advice about tablets - they said they would ring back.....2 years later I'm still waiting!

I would try again. Explain that you don't feel that eating a banana quite cuts it for you and you could do with some more advice.

There is another organisation called First Steps to Freedom who also have a helpline and are quite good.

Keep trying and don't be disheartened. Don't worry about that person being a member here...I am sure they are all thick skinned and professional about these things.

01-05-08, 14:23
Thanks Swan, i will go and look at first steps to freedom now xxxxx

01-05-08, 15:36
You could try here -


Not sure what sort of help line it is but it might be worth a try.
Or they might be able to advise another number to try.


01-05-08, 15:51
Hi Hun

Nopanic and No more panic are two completely different sites.

I would recommend you call back and say you didn't find the advice helpfull and try to talk to someone else.

Take care

Love Lisa
xxxx :flowers:

01-05-08, 17:53
Hi Popsy

Im sorry you dont feel well. Why dont you get into chat there are always people there to help.

