View Full Version : Diazapan and depression

01-05-08, 13:39
Im wondering if anyone else thinks Diazepam useage can cause depression? Ive been using a low dose now for about 8 weeks and it does take the edge of my anxiety (not a cue tho!) but ive recently started to get a horrible depression on top of the anxiety which im finding just as hard to bear. Im wondering if its the diazapan or is it just the result of a very tired mind???? Thoughts anyone? :shrug: xxx

01-05-08, 13:45
Decca has just pointed out to me that doc's often use it to cover you whilst anti-depressents kick in even though it does say to use with caution.....hummmm me confused????

03-05-08, 03:05
I hate the mornings, i have feelings of anxiety before i even open my eyes. I find it hard not to cry for the most of the morning, and yes usually the day gets a bit easier. The depression is actually a new symtom for me and has occured i think from the severe anxiety, im finding it very hard to bear. I do find evenings the best and always try and put off going to bed as i cant stand the thought of waking the next day to the same awful feelings again. My partner gets cross with me saying i shouldnt stay up so late as i'll be tired the next day and the anxiety will be worse!
I take diazapan as well during the day, does anyone know if this can cause depression? Just a thought?

It isn't the diazepam causing your depressed state, it's because of the anxious feelings you feel about getting through each day because you fear that each day you'll feel as anxious as the previous day but once you tackle whatever's causing your fear, your depressed state will lift too.:hugs:

03-05-08, 07:59
Hi there

I dont think its the diazapan thats causing your depression, I think Bill is right your depressed anyway.
Im taking 20mg of diazapan for panic attacks it certainly helps but I dont mean to frighten you be careful taking it , its very addictive , Im addicted and struggling to come off it.
take care of you

03-05-08, 08:36
Hi. I used diazapam for 15yrs and found them very addictive and extremely hard to come off as smudgie said. I remember my gp back then telling me (after) i'd come off them that they are supposed to be initially given for just 6-8 weeks as they are very addictive and they also loose there potency gradually after that as we become addicted to taking the tablet itself as a crutch? which is probably true i know i convinced myself i couldnt live or survive without them....but im still here.
I was depressed while i was on them too but they werent the cause. My gp gave me counselling whilst coming off them...and that was the best medicine i ever had. You know i felt like i had been given my life back after that, it was an amazing feeling...it was like someone had switched the lights back on.
Sorry im dribbling on, but, I think pills can be really good and do really help some people depending on their illness, but, i just wish doctors would take the time to find out whats causing the anxiety/panics instead of just giving us pills to pop.
I really hope you feel better soon and wish you luck.
:hugs: :hugs:

03-05-08, 21:47
My Doctors have just put my 2mg to 4 mg per day Diazepam on repeat prescription as an adjunct to my heart meds because it's been so effective in helping to control my heart rate and blood pressure.
He said he wasn't worried about addiction or tolerance at that dosage.

For anyone trying to come off of Diazepam Prof. Ashton's manual recomends a slow taper with cuts of 10% of the current dosage.http://www.benzo.org.uk/manual/index.htm

Best wishes,

03-05-08, 23:02
hello guys and girls,

I am new on here, I have had a rreally bad time recently. I lost my mum in October 2008 and I was 7 months pregnant and in the process of moving house.!!!!
I was doing completly ok until my baby was 3 months old, then suddenly like a ton of bricks I could not deal with anything.
I thought I was going completly crazy, I was having very bad panic attacks every morning. They got worse and worse over the week. Then on the 5th day of having these things I had 10 in one morning.
Something had to be done because I was not in control of my life anymore. My two sisters and my boyfriend thought I was going to kill myself.
So I went to A&E as this was so bad and they refered me to the local mental health services. That day with about 1 hour told me that I has post natal depression and also suffering delayed grief because of my mum.

The Doctor gave me 5mm of diazipan to give me a break from the panic attacks but he also put me on an anti depressant!!! I was not happy about this as I dont ever take paracetamal for headaches. I was just woundering if anyone else here is on this tablet. I threw the box away and just kept the tablets, but I would like to know if they had side affects.

Thanks Kristal

03-05-08, 23:52
Hi Kristal,
Sorry to hear of your sad loss and that you are having a bad time at the moment.
Regarding the tablets - Which ones do you mean ? Diazepam or the Antidepressants ?
Best wishes