View Full Version : overwhelming fear

miss diagnosis
01-05-08, 20:13
i hope someone can help me cos im sitting here feeling like im gasping for breath.Panic attacks are coming thick and fast. im afraid to go to sleep at night in case something happens to me. im terrified im just going to drop dead. didnt help that i heard about 2 peopl dropping dead of heart attacks this week one of them my age (28).I dont know whats going on but i cant go on like this much longer. i feel like im constantly on edge and that there MUST be something wrong with me.i feel like im losing the plot. can anyone help me?

01-05-08, 20:39
hey there..I'm not an expert, just a compadre. When I feel like you do I try and focus on something else like you are...typing for example...also if you can try and breath slow and deep..I know it's the last thing you want to hear and feel like you can do...but it does help...you have to focus...getting up helps me somtimes and drinking water...talking outloud about something..telling yourself it will be alright and it will pass, because it will...your not going to have a heart attack ..it is just one of those icky symptoms we get...it will pass...read something outloud...this can help with your breathing...just do anything to take your mind off of what your feeling...you have to force yourself....no matter how hard...even if it's jotting down your symptoms...that made me have to think about writing...before I knew it I had calmed down with my last PA.
This is just my two cents worth...I hope you feel better fast and know I'm thinking of you...

Take good care xxx

01-05-08, 20:41
Aaw hun
I know how your feel, your feeling scared and thats understandable as its frightening when your panicing and feeling breathless.
I was agoraphobic for a long time so i can sympathise because ive had all those feelings your having right now. I used to try and take my mind off by trying to distract myself and make myself think of something else till it passed. I would clean the house until i was tired, or phone a mate and just talk about everything and anything...ive even phoned the samaritins, i'd cook something....but literally anything that makes you concentrate on anything but the panic. Have you tried coming into the chat room..thats a wonderful place to go when your feeling scared and alone as theres lots of people who know and understand how your feeling who will help and support you...maybe make you smile:) .
I hope your starting to feel a little better by now, but you can always pm me anytime and i will helpif i can
Wishing you well
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: