View Full Version : Is anyone feeling anxious about work tomorrow?

03-04-05, 17:06
I have had a really goood weekend.. but now i have the Sundayblues....
Does anyone else feel anxious when they have had a good weekend?


03-04-05, 17:10
Hi, I have just had 2 ( mostly )good weeks off work and i am very anxious about returning to work tomorrow, even though I have , what to me, is the ideal job. once there though everything is fine. do you feel like this every weekend?
I vary, take care, alexis.xx

Tiny Sue
03-04-05, 17:14
[8D] Hey Sue I'm Sue too!

I used to get Sunday Blues and not realise that that was all they were...the idea that you have to go back to the drudgery tomorrow. My hint would be to take a single memory from the weekend with you as a way of coping with Monday. You remind yourself as often as you can by writing down a "code word" in your pocket book or somewhere you will look very often (like the corner of your monitor if you work with a PC) - that will make you smile.

Like if I had a good weekend and I loved walking the dog and really thought it was lovely when he licked my hand, writing his name on a piece of paper would remind me.

Keep a diary of these lovely moments (like a lovely sunset or a cup of tea that was particularly pleasant) recording date and time and recreate them...you'll soon be smiling!



03-04-05, 17:39
Thankyou both, i will do that!
Remember what a good day i had yesterday....we had a BBQ in the garden, only the third third time i have been out there all year i think!
I dont always feel like this....well, most Mondays is do....most days if im honest...i have told the people at work to advertise my job cos i cant handle it, i thought it was best to be honest? It is a nightmare...but i am a bit scared incase they get rid of me....

03-04-05, 17:48
I meant that I recognised a few months ago that i was not up to the job...I used to be full of beans, but unfortunately things change..i can't stand to go there any more and it is so unfair on my partner.. He is buying into his company and just wants us to have a baby to complete everything which is fine.....GGod im rabbling!! Anyway, so i have given my job up...and they are advertising for a Purchasing Manager now....they have interviews tomorrow and Tuesday! But i will train have to train them...X

Tiny Sue
03-04-05, 17:48
Unfortunately, i have found that with an issue around which I suffer anxiety I tend to be "honest" and think I'm being "honest" when later I look back and wonder "what on earth was I thinking?" The whole cycle of thoughts and feelings gets so you don't know what is true.

If I were you, I'd start thinking about the things you like about your job too, and focussing on them. If you find you have to do stuff that you don't like, try to schedule stuff you DO like immediately before and after so that you have a "bridge" of good feelings to get across the bad patch. You don't tell me what you do - but if I ever had bad feelings at work, I would change the lesson ( I am a teacher) to something lighthearted and non-challenging like art or a chat lesson and tackle the difficult one later when I'd had a chance to breathe about it.
I dunno, hope that helps, hun.
And remember....you are a good person who is going to do this and be strong, and you only have to step out of the mould you create for yourself...
Better start taking my own advice, eh?[Duh!]


03-04-05, 18:17
Thanks for your message sue X

03-04-05, 19:28
I always feel anxious after having a good, panic-free time. I think it's because I tell myself that something bad must be about to happen as it can't be all that good..:D

03-04-05, 20:13
I know exactly how you feel. I started taking my meds the monday after we broke up from school 2 weeks ago - now I don't know what to do. Do I take a week off to stabilise on meds more or do I go back tomorrow????? I have had a good day today and already can feel the what ifs creeping in.... Yesterday was awful - If only it wasn't such a rollercoaster ....... Will tomorrow be like today or yesterday? I love Sues idea of a taking a good memory with you x

Tiny Sue
03-04-05, 20:21
hey dizzy...

Hope you will be okay tomorrow...I know ALL about the what ifs. When I was like this before I got over it by thinking about something pleasant every time the what ifs came into my head, or taking a long hard look at the what if thought in context to show myself how ridiculous it was. Then I would immediately start on a project that would take me away from the fear. I think a large part of it is acknowledging that the fear is there, it's going to pop up every now and then, and there is nothing you can do about that part. But you CAN decide that you are going to recognise it for what it is and combat it that way. At least that's the way I'm going to do it. Every time I had a what if today, I started doing something. The need for perpetual motion wears off after a bit, trust me, when you start enjoying yourself.



03-04-05, 20:57
Hi I just wanted to say I understand how you feel. I work voluntary in a playgroup Tues and Thurs and do some voluntary work for a cancer charity, but Sunday nights/Monday mornings I visualize my week ahead and it's as though I'm living it sometimes in a nightmarish way and it hasn't actually happened yet! I predict my anxious feelings before the week starts. Does that make sense?

I too like the good memory idea, and after reading something Della wrote in a previous post I'm trying to do positive affirmations about myself for each evening as I go to bed.


03-04-05, 23:40
Hi Sue

It is quite normal to feel anxious when you have had a nice weekend away from work. I am sure you will be fine hon and we are here to help you all we can.

Hope tomorrow goes well for you, will be thinking of you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

04-04-05, 18:47
Just caught up with this post - so how was your day back at work?

I find that the worse night sleep I get is on a Sunday so I feel very drained today and a bit grumpy lol.

Hope you survived the day.


04-04-05, 20:35
Hi Nicola and everyone,
It was OK...i had a rubbish night thinking of work, couldnt sleep etc. When the alarm went off at half six was truly shattered. Got myself ready and got in the car just before eight... turned back round TWICE!!! Argh! When will i grow out of this?

Eventually got there on the 3rd attempt, didnt arrive until half past eleven but no-one asked any questions. (I had text my boss to say i would be late)
Rest of the day was the usual - Sue this, Sue that? When's this coming in? If you tell them once, you tell them a thousand times!

Must admit to being shattered now. But hey, will do it all again tomorrow.

The interviewees for my job arrived by the way....don't know what was thought of them yet, i can't wait to get out really..

Its just a shame it came to this when i have been asking them for help for years!!

Sorry for going on..

04-04-05, 22:52

The starting point is here whatever time you arrived at work you didnt give in and pushed yourself and got there. On the first attempt when you turned round you could have given in there but you didnt. That is someone that isnt going to let this beat them.

Well done you did it, however hard it was.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

11-04-05, 20:06
i have the jitters!!

Didnt do too badly last week..a half day on Monday and Wednesday..(Tuesday off)..and then my boss called me in on Wed afternoon, i was a total mess, the full tearworks.

So he suggested i only work Monday, Wednesday and Friday this week because i have to train the new guy up for the following weeks and need some energy.

I keep blaming work or driving for my panics....i cant distinguish which?

Both seem to have an effect.

I suppose having the time off will gee me up for work, but on the other hand it may go against me for because they will give me a warning soon for absence....


So if i stay at home they expect me to be really calm? (Which i dont by the way) or do i go to work and sort the work that i didnt have time to fo today and then what?

Im rabbling AGAIN

I cant help thinking that a routine will help which we agreed last week....we said that i would work Monday, Wednesday, Friday now the new guy is starting next week...but that only came from my immediate boss and not THE BOSS (he is back from holiday) haha

And then if i DO take the break? Things went wrong just before 5pm which i thought were on course.....

God im so boring!!!

11-04-05, 20:28
you are not boring!
i get the sunday night blues (and the monday night blues, and the tuesday night…).
i spent ages thinking that i was just in the wrong job, not capable of doing it, etc, then i realised that i'd be like that whatever job i was in. i'm always convinced that i'm never going to be able to handle the pressure, or finish my work on time or whatever. it's a nightmare!
the only thing i can suggest is just taking each day as it comes - don't put pressure on yourself to work specific days or whatever, because you'll just stress yourself out.
hope you're feeling better,
henri x

12-04-05, 19:48
Thanks Henri

I didnt go to work today after all..i figured that if they think i need the rest then i must [:O]

So i have done big things today......i have been to the bank and stood in a queue....I have cleaned the house and cooked dinner.....BIG achievements for a day off.

Hope you are OK

12-04-05, 21:46
that's great news sue, well done!
it is a massive achievement for a day off and i think you did the right thing by staying at home.
take care,
henri x

12-04-05, 23:09
Well done Sue

You could have stayed at home but you pushed yourself and did things. That is great news.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.