View Full Version : come down from 10mg to 5mg - feel crap

02-05-08, 00:10

7 days ago i reduced my dose to 5mg from 10mg.

Iv not been feeling to bad, but tonite, all of a sudden i feel, panicky, dizzy, spaced out, feeling sick and ringing in my ears.

Do u think its the effects of coming down on my dose of meds.

love mandie x

02-05-08, 09:02
Hi Mandie,
I had all those symptoms when starting on citalopram,so it may be withdrawal side effects.If it continues for more than a week I'd see your gp.Don't struggle alone.Have you tried rescue remedy or rock rose from Bach remedies.Sometimes they help.
Hope you feel better soon.:hugs:
julie x:hugs:

02-05-08, 22:01
Thank you Julie.

I do have resuce remedy.

I have been ok most of the day today, but now my head feels weird, like tight pressure.

love mandie x