View Full Version : I feel SO Stupid & Scared about skin cancer

02-05-08, 04:04
I'm always the first one to tell people the symptoms of skin cancer especially melanoma because my brother died of it several years ago but now here i am paniced over maybe i have it. I just found a mole that is odd looking, two different colors, irregular borders, etc. and i plan on having it checked but the dr's around here take forever to get into so i hafta wait 3 months to see a dr about it:mad: So now i've worked myself into such a panic and i feel stupid cuz i'm usually not scared of skin cancer, i always thought that if i found a change in a mole i new i would get it checked and get it taken off and that would be that but here i am, i should have known better than to think i would take anything that calm. Panic Sucks:weep:

02-05-08, 10:55
Hey Hunny!

Well that must be infuriating having to wait 3 months, I don't know if there is any way you can rush that through at all? Explain about your brother.
Its totally understandable why you would be scared so please don't beat yourself up about it.
I have no idea how the health system works in the US but I would def push to be seen sooner if you can


02-05-08, 15:27
Thanks so much for encouraging me to push cuz i did and now i have an appt. in 2 weeks:yesyes: I'm still terrified but glad they pushed the appt up
Thank you:hugs:

25-06-08, 17:38
Just to let you know i waited for 3 months to see my specialist doctor and it was ok leaving it that long, my mole had been dark and irregular for over a year i think. It was cancerous but they cut it out and checked the surrounding area