View Full Version : convinced i have cancer?

02-05-08, 12:12
Hi All,

I am new to this website and i feel that from what i can see on here my symptoms are that similar to others suffering from terrible anxiety.

My story...

For a few months now I have been constantly worrying about pains all over my body and lumps and bumps, especially a pain i keep getting in my lower right abdomen. This isnt there all of the time.I have had blood tests,abdominal examinations and everything seems to be fine.Even though i have convinced myself i am dying of Bowel cancer??????!!!!!!!

I had an operation back in feb on my shoulder and whilst i had this done,i never had any worries about pain or anything like that until my shoulder started to get better i satred to wind myself up over this pain again.....

I was off work for amonth whith my shoulder and also in this time i was buying a brand new house........I have been low for a long time and think that everything has got on top of me..I have moved to my other halfs dads until our new house sale went through and this is when i have started to feel sick..wake up with acid type feeling in my tummt(this i have never had before) it really scared me........

Do you think that my continuos worry of dying has got on top of me and is making me feel like this :-(...Any feedback would be greatly appreciated..Thank you for taking time to read my post.


02-05-08, 14:44
Hi Clarkybird i can totally relate to you.

I had a brain tumour removed in Feb and since then have felt that every little symptom i get i fear the worst.

I never suffered the anxiety back last October when i was told, but after the op in Feb, even though i had the all clear!!

So don't worry because this site has put my mind at rest.

Hope it does the same for you.

Anxiety arghhhhhh!!!!

Take care
Mandy xx:bighug1:

04-05-08, 06:12
We are not doctors and there for thinking we have cancer proves that all we really have is anxiety! If we had cancer out doctors WOULD be able to find it and your doctor not finding anything again proves it's anxiety..

04-05-08, 12:53
Hi Clarkybird,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice.
How could you think differently than you do, given that you have been "constantly worrying"?
As anxiety sufferers,we tend to get waylaid by repetetive behaviour.
Our thoughts follow the same paths again and again and again.
The ONLY way to fix this is to change our way of thinking.
You have options:-
1.When this thinking arises,challenge it-
Remind yourself of the action you have taken by seeking medical advice and getting properly checked out.
2.When this thinking arises,distract yourself:-
Get up and do something-music,reading,exercise,ring a friend,go for a walk,do some cleaning,etc,etc
What this will do is occupy your mind with more positive thoughts.The more you do this,the easier it gets.
Trust me,it DOES work.
You can do this.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Best wishes,

04-05-08, 14:05
I just wanted to say that is exactly what i was feeling like---I had totally convinced myself i had lymphoma!!
Anyhow, I have been coming on this forum for a few weeks now and I can honestly say it has been a HUGE help for me.I realised that I have sought medical advice(as Chalky says) and that the doctors have done the relevant tests and they all came back fine---so I am ok and it is anxiety i suffer.
I am now dealing with the anxiety.
I too, like yourself, had just moved house and the whole package of everything was getting on top of me. I have been back to my doctor and told him how i am feeling and i am getting some counselling.This may be an option for yourself?
I have also started walking each day(this is only day 2 but i have clocked up 6.5 miles in 2 days!!!!) and i am feeling loads more positive.
Chalky gives some fab advice------I took a lot of it on board and it really does help.
Take care---you will be fine xxxxx