View Full Version : burning sensations

02-05-08, 13:33
hi, i havent posted on this site for ages, as i thought id come to terms with all the anxiety symptoms i had. Then out of the blue, wham, another hits me. A couple of weeks ago, i had this dull ache in my chins, and started worrying that it was thrombosis (spelling lol) so went to the doctors, who checked my legs out and said, no my circulation and everything is fine. But a couple of days later, i started getting what i can only describe as a cold burning sensation right up my legs to my waist. Well panic well and truly set in then. All my 'normal' symptoms of anxiety went into overdrive. But i ve never had this burning sensation before, so big mistake, googled my symptoms, well i had everything from restless leg syndrome to m.s. Had to go back to doctors cause id got myself in a right old state. He s arranged a full blood test, just to reassure me really. Does anyone else get this cold burning? freezing feet (which i know is a common symptom) this cold burning has even started in my chin/jaw now, and my tongue feels swollen, even though its not. im scared. is this just anxiety, just looking for reassurance really.

thanks libbie x

milly jones
02-05-08, 13:54
hi libbie,

im mill. I get burining in my thighs, esp at night. i too get very cold feet. have to wear socks in bed much to my husbands disgust.

ive always put the burning down to the muscles feeling stressed all day with anx, then when im trying to relax to sleep it appears like they are still full of adrenaline ready to go.

dont know how rational this is but to me it makes sense.

sorry i dont get health anxiety probs, but id do get anx symptoms.

hope this goes a little way to make u feel reassured.

mill xxxx

02-05-08, 14:05
hi mill, thanks for replying. i dont usually suffer from health anxiety believe it or not!!! lol just totally 'freaked' out with this 'symptom'. its mainly in my thighs too, so yeah its put my mind at rest a little. thankyou.

libbie x

milly jones
02-05-08, 14:09
thanks it gives me a nice warm feeling in my heart to know i might have helped,
take care and keep in touch,

xxx milly xxxxx

02-05-08, 15:16
just wondering, do your thighs feel tender to the touch? mine feel sore and very sensitive

thanks again
libbie x

02-05-08, 16:18
Hi Libbie

I have had the burning senstaion, on the side of my face, the top of my arms and the top of my legs.

It has felt at times like a minor burn, very tender to touch, it always goes, but comes back from time to time.

Hope this has helped reasure you a little

You take care


02-05-08, 20:08
my legs are always very sensitive to touch i only have to stroke them and it hurts, lately i have been getting a hot right foot on and off too.

02-05-08, 20:56
thanks so much guys, you ve really put my mind at ease.

libbie x

03-05-08, 00:16
Count me in the burning face sensation club! For me it seems to come on a full on body flair ... back pain, general sensations of heat and yes, ice cold feet. My cheeks however feel like some kind of nerve pain -- a burning sensation that tends to last the whole day even if the "flair" event was only an hour or so.

Sometimes I think food is a trigger for me ... I've been looking up things about food sensitivity and specifically foods high in tyrosine. Not sure it will lead me anywhere ... but it feels better to try and be proactive about it.

Good luck on your healing journey and if you learn anything that helps ... let us know!


03-05-08, 11:23
hi earth mother,
yes that was one of my major worries, that it didnt only last an hour or so, it can last for days! but im begining to notice that they are easing a bit, coming and going now rather than constant. let me know if you find any food intolerance
libbie x

03-05-08, 11:50

In the past couple of weeks I too have suffered with this symptom. My feet have always been cold but now I am getting the burning feeling in my muscles on my legs and in my back, all my joints feel stiff aswell. I am putting this down to the stress that I have been hanging onto for years, maybe it is all coming out now. My pain wears off quite alot when I'm walking and my hands and feet get all hot when I'm out but on relaxing I just ache all over and the strange kinda burning sensation happens then I get really cold.


03-05-08, 12:20
Hi Libbie

Forgot to mention the resons for the burning sensation, it may help you understand a little more, I know it helped me. It is due the the nervous system.

The nervous system is a very complex network of electrically charged nerves which are found in every square centimeter of your body, around every organ, muscle and across your skin, the largest organ in the body. Abnormal nerve impulses due to anxiety can cause a vast array of strange sensations; although quite harmless these can be very disturbing.

Hope this has helped



03-05-08, 18:44
hiya jill, im trying to come to terms with it being anxiety, but it happens when i feel ok, then of course it starts the 'normal' anxiety off! reassured me a lot other people having it though! thanks x

libbie x

milly jones
03-05-08, 19:58
when i go out walking even though my hands get v cold and clammy as i generally have to wear gloves, my fingers swell like sausages and the skin stretches.

i have mentioned this to my gp and he says not to worry,

best wishes,
milly xxx

09-03-10, 20:44
I could of written ur exact post down to my tounge, but I got that under control. Still suffering fromt he burning sensation in my legs/feet/back where ever it moves to. I feel liek clothing makes it worse. Been to all my Drs got my HA all fired up again. Please tell me how u are doing????