View Full Version : Throat

02-05-08, 14:21
Hi all,

I get tight throat and like feels hard to swallow....

Just wondering what kinda throat problems do other people get?

Thanks :yesyes:

milly jones
02-05-08, 14:25
i get tight throat sometimes rick,

sometimes i find it hard to swallow food, esp if i think people are watching me.

somedays i can only drink water,

ive always put it down to the tension in my throat, jaw, tongue.

i try to relax and calm myself down.

sometimes i find sucking a sweet also helps make more saliva in my mouth and i regularly keep a water bottle handy,

hope this helps a little

milly x

02-05-08, 14:26
Thanks milly:) xxx

03-05-08, 00:24
I noticed this week that I was having a lot of pain in the front of my throat ... Pain in the back of the neck I can attribute to muscle tension ... but it was unusual for me to feel pain (tight, contracted feeling) in the front of my throat and it was unsettling. However I could swallow and breath without a problem.

What I noticed after a few days of this was that I was unconsiously "bracing" in my neck region. Like when you are tense in a car and you hold the steering wheel really tight -- you brace against the wheel. In this case, I was bracing ... or tensing the muscles in the front of my neck -- didn't even know I COULD do that! It was like from the back of my jaw (TMJ area) down those lymph glands on both sides of the throat ... I was holding perpetual tension.

I realized this in the middle of the night ... when I woke up and noticed that the "pain" I had been experiencing during the day was completely gone while I was sleeping. So today I've tried to be more mindful of how my neck and shoulders are feeling. Deep breaths, and relaxing what muscles I know I can release and learning little by little how the front of my throat has muscles too and how I can begin to let those go a little bit.

Good luck to you in your own healing journey.