View Full Version : Loss of weight

02-05-08, 15:03
Does anyone else here loose quite a bit of weight during anxiety, I have had a bad month and have lost 4 kilos and I'm still trying to put it back on but I seem to be going to the loo way more than normal.

I think my matabolism is going really fast.

Any ideas


02-05-08, 15:08
hi joyce, yep, its quite normal to loose weight during anxiety. i can loose as much as a stone in a couple of weeks, and going to the loo is a normal reaction to the bodys fight and flight. try not to worry and your appeitite will soon come back
libbie x

02-05-08, 15:12
Thanks for that,

My appetite came back 3 weeks ago, thank goodness, it was soo weird not to be hungry and wanting to be throwing up.

But I still can't gain the weight back and im fighting not to lose more.

It's just that I am already skinny and don't want to look ill.

Thank you very much

02-05-08, 15:14
yeah i know what you mean, im only skinny too, and loosing a stone makes me look awful! unfortunately, it doesnt only take two weeks to put it back on, but at least if you ve stopped loosing it, it will gradually start going back on, even if its only a pound a fortnight, its better than loosing it.

take care x

miss diagnosis
03-05-08, 10:39
i usually gain weight because i have a tendancy to comfort eat. especially carbs.although this time around im not gaining thank goodness. I put that down to trying to do my Davina DVD everyday.Also i dont know about you but even if i try to lose weight and i do i freak out that the weight loss is caused by an illness and i undo my good work by eating loads in panic!

04-05-08, 04:32
Do you know "HERABLIFE"?
I lose my weight by HERBALIFE.I think very well.Maybe could help you.:roflmao:

04-05-08, 08:54
Hi Joyce :hugs:

My weight is the first thing to suffer when I get anxious. Over the years I've had anxiety, my weight has gone up and down depending on how I am feeling.

I lost just over a stone in January (my brother is in hospital) and as I'm naturally slim, it doesnt look good on me. I'm trying to eat more but I gave up worrying about my weight years ago - it will come back when I'm more settled.

Take care :hugs: