View Full Version : Electric Shock type symptoms

04-04-05, 00:28
Hi all I am new on here. Been suffering form panic attacks/Anxiety for about 3-4 years. Had all the tests ECG and camera down throat etc etc. My brother died of a sudden Heart Attack aged 30 while playing football. So any paing I get in chest or on left side throw me into panic although I have had all tests done. The hard part is telling your brain you are ok.

One thing that is happening to me is sometimes when I am walking I get a sudden sharp "electric shock " type stabbing feeling mainly on left side that stops me in my tracks and takes my breath away. It only lasts for a split second. Went to docs (again) h esaid it was "all muscular" and caused by stress. Anyone else gets these "Sensations"?

04-04-05, 10:53
hello and welcome!! :)

I get those pains in my chest quite often. I've had all the tests done as well but it still scares me.It's quite common amongst anxiety sufferers so try not to worry too much!!

I'm sure you will receive loads of support here.

Sarah :D

04-04-05, 16:24
hi i get this sometimes and it does have a name my old neighbour was training to be an osteopath a few years ago and we did have a conversation about it, but cant remember what it is called, think its to do with a particular nerve but nothing sinister just annoying
love Jane

04-04-05, 19:56
thanks for your support. Its weird the way your body can play tricks on you when you are feeling down. Still aches today but then again its probably due to the weights I did down the gym last week. I have probably aggravated a muscle/nerve. Just my luck I try and get fit and it backfires

05-04-05, 03:40
Funny how one can relate. I get these and immediately panic. i was talking to my daughter the other day and she says she gets these all the time. But in her case these do not worry here because she don't not fear having a heart attack. We are our worst enemies because if we didn't relate chest pains to heart attacks we would think differently too.



05-04-05, 17:35
I get those electric shocks too and also have been diax with chiari , which is the brain stem pushing on the spinal cord . Had decompression surgery to fix it.