View Full Version : The effects of coming of Citalopram

02-05-08, 19:19
Has anyone experienced increased anxiety coming off Citalopram? I have been taking citalopram for 9 months. My doctor has agreed that I can begin to ween myself off it. I am currently taking 1 table one day (20mls)and half another (10mls) alternately. For the first week or so i didn't feel any different. However this week I have felt so tired, a bit dissasociated and more anxious. I feel like life is happening and I am not a part of it. I find it difficult to get exciting about things. I am worrying that it is leading to a relapse or I will never feel better and in control of my life like I used to. Tonight I was supposed to meet some friends but cancelled on them, i began to feel really dizzy so went to bed when i got home. All day at work i couodn't focus. On top of things me and my boyfriend have been having problems and might split up.

Any words of wisedom or advice much appreciated....

02-05-08, 22:07

Im curently comming off citalopram to. I was on 10mg and iv come down to 5mg

I was ok for first 5 days.

Yesterday i felt really anxious and panciky, dizzy, sick and bit out of it like im not here.

Tonite i feel the same. I suppose its the effects of reducing the meds.

love mandie x

02-05-08, 23:52
Hi.... i was on Citalopram for 8 months and came off it in Dec last year and i had similar feelings to you for a while, with head zaps too, which were a bit disconcerting until i realised they were a normal side effect of coming off the meds..... i had terrible trouble sleeping too which didn't help my mood or my anx but after a couple of weeks all that disppeared and i felt fine... i will admit that i have recently started taking them again but please don't let that put you off....cos unlike you, i was told by my doc that i wasn't ready to come off them but decided i knew better :blush: ..... im gonna come off them again but i think i'll listen to my doc next time..... i think its a little like when you start them, my anx got worse before it got better at the start and the tiredness was bad too... but you will find these symptoms will pass and im sure you will be fine in a couple of weeks....:yesyes:

03-05-08, 01:05

I was only on it a short time back last year as due to anx relating to health was catch 22 in that it was prescribed for the anx but then it made me anx taking it so decided best not to take it.

I had a little wobble coming off it but that may have been the way I stopped taking it (too abrupt according to doc but hey).

It made me shaky in my hand as well when I came off but only lasted a little while.
I hope this helps

I do feel better now than when I was on them so the only way is up :)


Claire xx

03-05-08, 14:45
Thanks everyone, anymore more reports of similar experiences appreciated. It is true i felt more anxious when i started taking them and then levelled out and felt ok. I guess the thing to do is try to not do too much. Thanks again.

Hope 2
03-05-08, 15:48
Hi mlondon :D

Sorry u not so great at the mo with everything going on xx.

I have taken citalopram for several years . I am lucky cos I never really noticed major side effects like some . That said this year I have been reducing the dose cos I was sure the meds were making far more tired than I should be . So I haven't had increased anxiety like you but I have had a crap year so far mainly with hellish depression and detachment from myself . Never thought it was down to the tabs cos I felt they didn't do a great deal anyway ......... but maybe the reduction I have implimented since January this year has played a part , I don't really know . Just to add , me knowing best and wanting things to happen yesterday .......... I did reduce far too quickly :blush: . Like others have said , try and stick things out for a bit longer if u feel u can . Do you think your anxiety may have increased cos of your relationship problems maybe ..... just a thought .......... or a combination of the two kinda thing ? Maybe you could have a chat with your doc cos they may decide that now may not be the best time to reduce the dose .

Best of luck
Hope xx

04-05-08, 12:31
Hi Everyone

Thanks for all your advice. I think I am going to stick it out, I am supposed to be reducing my dose further in a week but I may continue with the reduction I am on for a bit longer which was the advice of my doctor if i feel anxious. I am going to see my therapist next week as well. I think I am always trying to rush things and getting off the meds will be a big marker for me so I am trying to rush that too! I think this is something that anxiety causes people to do - to rush things. But I am going to try and slow down and not do this,

Thanks again for the advice, it is always welcome.

Hope 2 - it sounds like you are having a bad time, don't underestimate the effects of coming off meds. I know what you mean about feeling like they weren't doing much anyway, i felt that but perhaps they were. Good luck and try and stay positive.

04-05-08, 12:51
When I've reduced my dose in the past (whether clomipramine or citalopram) I noticed that I felt "edgier". After a while I seemed to get used to the increased edginess and not "interpret" it as anxiety. But there's no doubt that on lower doses, when I do get anxious it feels more intense.

I do think you have to be realistic about antidepressants. If they help you, then reducing the dose is always going to bring the possibility of increased anxiety. That may not be the case if your cirumstances have improved since you started taking them - i.e. if they've basically got you out of a rut. However, it's very easy if you've been on meds for a while to forget how you felt off them, and to deny that they've made any difference.