View Full Version : Emotional abuse

02-05-08, 19:31
After 18 years of attempting to cope alone with my wife’s schizophrenia and since 2005 caring for my mother too whilst the rest of the family live miles away, I feel I should be used to emotional abuse and being used as a human punch bag.

In the past, my wife would accuse me of being or saying a variety of bad things which were created in her mind by her illness and there was absolutely nothing I could say or do to convince her that her paranoid thoughts weren’t true.

For the first 5 years I tried to keep a full time job whilst I received no support from professionals. When my mind could take no more pressure and I could find no escape from her bombardment, I turned in on myself by self harming or worse to relieve the emotional hurt and pain she inflicted on me. However, seeing my hands covered in bruises and my wrists covered in cuts just made me feel worse about myself. I felt ashamed for not being stronger and not being able to cope as I felt I should.

When I reached breaking point I turned to overdoses because I saw no future other than the tormented hell I was living alone with no one to turn to or support me. Love was lost. The house was barren, full of emptiness and pain. My tears would flow like rivers but still the pain remained. To this day that hurt and pain is still within me. My anger is still there because of the emotional abuse her illness caused me. I’ve just learned to control it better but my circumstances are just as they’ve always been although she now gets more support for her illness through the professionals and helpers. For me though, nothing, not from the professionals, friends and especially not from her but I still care because that’s what makes me who I am. Take that away and I’m just an empty shell of a man.

However, we all carry hurt and anger created by bad experiences in our lives, often caused by those closest to us. We then often assume that everyone must be the same, that no one can be trusted and so we direct our hurt and anger to whoever we feel has let us down, even when they are actually on our side but haven’t been able to be there for us due to other commitments because all we feel is the hurt of feeling neglected in our own lives.

If though we misdirect our anger towards those who are trying to help us, we end up alienating them and so end up feeling even more hurt and alone. We become our own worst enemy, driving those who care for us away. We often want to be loved but can’t accept anyone could. We often want to give love but don’t know how because we lash out at those closest to us.

We will never keep friends if we lash out when deep down we know they care about us. When we feel so low and so ill though, we forget that people are on our side because the people who care about us are often unaware until the lid bursts off our bottle because we keep feelings bottled up until they explode rather than expressing how we feel long before we reach boiling point.

In a way it no longer bothers me if people want to shoot me down to make themselves feel better then so be it because I don’t think that much of myself and my life anyway. What’s more important to me is that others I care about aren’t also hurt when I don’t live up to high expectations expected of me because I know I’m no expert and that I’m an anxiety sufferer just like everyone else on here. I just know what anxiety is and why people react as they do because I understand what anxiety and depression makes us feel. The only difference to how I used to be is that I’ve learnt to cope better with most of my anxieties so that although I still feel hurt, I no longer implode as I used to.

I realise though that to try and help people, it means making yourself an open target to others hurt and anger who often need more than a fellow sufferer can provide.

These days whenever I am hurt, although it sets me back,, I try to remind myself why people misdirect anger, how much I care and that I do my best to help others especially when I know they’re in desperate need.

The one thing that does really hurt though is knowing that after 18 years feeling alone and being used as a punch bag, my determination to reach out and care makes me more vulnerable to more punches being thrown in my direction but that it’s something I’ll just have to accept in the hope of helping those I can because I’m only human so I have my own issues and limitations.

People often say I have to think of me too but I’ve tried doing that for 18 years so all I can see for the future is more emotional abuse with nothing in return but if I can make some peoples lives happier, at least I’ll have the satisfaction of knowing my life will have been worth something to others I’ll always care about.

02-05-08, 19:51
hello Bill i dont know what to say after reading that:hugs: and anything i do say i am sure you have heard before, but 18 years is a long time to cope with all of that and now you feel that your life is not worth that much makes me so sad bill, i am sure everyone on here will tell you that we are all here for you and also that you are a lovely man and you worry so much about everybody, well let me tell you Bill, there are always choices and sometimes to be happy we have to be selfish and hurt others but sometimes there comes apoint where things have to change and we have to put ourselves first otherwise whats the point. please bill i know its easy for me to sit here and say this but please think about you abit more and take positive steps for you we only live once dont spend all of yours trying to help everyone but hating yourself. And also bill none of us on here are responsible for other people here we can only help and advice, we all know here you are great and dont let a bad experience on here put you off, pm me anytime bill. some people cant be helped because they dont want to be :hugs:

02-05-08, 20:46
Hi Bill, just wanted to send you some hugs and say I wholeheartedly agree with everything Donna has said....ultimately we are all responsible for ourselves, though others may offer us support and friendship. You are a good man Bill, and you do yourself a great injustice by saying you're not worth much....keep posting please, I for one would miss your posts:) .

love Coni X

02-05-08, 21:08
Hello Bill,

I agree with Donna and Coni - couldn't word things any better myself. I do hope that somewhere within yourself you can find peace of mind. You've been through such a lot for such a long time :(

Take care,

Wendy xxxx

02-05-08, 22:23
Bill that post made me cry.

I dont have high expectations of you Bill and would never use you as a punch bag you have always been there for me and I think you know I am here for you if you need me. Your life has not been easy Bill but you still find time to help others and care very much about people.

You are one of the good people in life Bill, don't put yourself down.


02-05-08, 22:30
Oh Bill, :weep:

I love to read your threads as many others do on here. You are 100% spot on with your views and perceptions of panic and anxiety. You don't give yourself the credit you deserve for coping as you have with your wifes illness and your own issues, most would have given up rather than fighting on.... goes to prove you have an amazing strength of character most can only dream of :D

I tried caring for a relative whith scizophrenia when her mum died suddenly when she was 16. It was the most difficult thing I've ever had to do. Worse than caring for a small baby because you have to be aware of where they are and what they might be up to 24/7. Ultimately, I had to call it a day after 6 months because she was deemed a risk to my children by the so-called professionals. It was either agree to her being sectioned or have my kids on the at risk register. I did feel that I failed at keeping all the balls in the air at the time, but I now realise it was an impossible situation for me with a young family. We hate to give in dont we?

So, dont put yourself down and give yourself the credit you well deserve....... hats off to you :hugs:

02-05-08, 22:35
please listen to all these posts bill you have helped me so much with your kind emails you really must start looking in that mirror telling yourself how much of a good person you are and putting yourself first being selfish and putting u first doesnt make you bad, go for it bill we are all here for you xx

03-05-08, 01:30
Thank you:hugs:

I know the vast majority of people on here including yourselves appreciate what I have to say and I'm grateful your kindness.:hugs:

As for my own peace of mind and thinking of myself, after being in the same position for the past 18 years.......Bill, there are always choices and sometimes to be happy we have to be selfish and hurt others but sometimes there comes apoint where things have to change and we have to put ourselves first otherwise whats the point............You're right Donna but I couldn't be selfish and that's how I came to thinking there's no point so I took overdoses etc. I can't help myself more other than to survive and resist the negative behaviours so instead I Try to prevent others from seeing no point.

As for my choices, there is a song by John Lennon that comes to mind, and in particular the last lines in each verse.........


How can I go forward when I don't know which way I'm facing?
How can I go forward when I don't know which way to turn?
How can I go forward into something I'm not sure of? oh no, oh no.

How can I have feeling when I don't know if it's a feeling?
How can I feel something if I just don't know how to feel?
How can I have feelings when my feelings have always been denied? oh no, oh no.

You know life can be long and you got to be so strong,
And the world is so tough, sometimes I feel I've had enough,

How can I give love when I don't know what it is I'm giving?
How can I give love when I just don't know how to give?
How can I give love when love is something I ain't ever had? oh no, oh no.

How can we go forward when we don't know which way we're facing?
How can we go forward when we don't know which way to turn?
How can we go forward into something we're not sure of? oh no, oh no.

This is negative to say but to hurt others is to hurt myself and then I find it hard to live with myself.......so my future? All I see is what I've seen in the past and see in the present........so I want to pass on what I've learnt through my mistakes in the hope that others might lead happier lives because love me or hate me, I know I can never change what makes me who I am.:hugs:

03-05-08, 08:46
:hugs: Hi Bill

Your a dear friend to me and Im sorry things have knocked you. I know the reason behind your thread and Im glad you have spoken.

Bill you have a gift of helping others, a gift that not alot of people have but it comes at a risk, people will take advantage and throw it back in your face.
you have been hurt because you are sensitive and you cant see the good in you all the time.
The givers and us with a sensitive nature will get the knocks and be used as a punchbag, its not you Bill its them, your a target.

your life has been extremely difficult to say the least but you are here and what are you doing?, giving back and supporting others.

Bill you are well liked here but most importantly you are cared about you will always have a friend in me and Im sure others will say the same.
You cannot help everyone, they have to help themselves but some dont want to be helped and you cant take that on board.

love to you Bill
ness:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

milly jones
03-05-08, 09:18
bill, my early morning friend,

oh my love, please dont think so hardly about yourself. i told you last pm what a helful caring and wise human being you are.

your threads are wonderful and refreshing.

your chat is kind and never judgemental,

pm me anytime mate or have an early morning date if u want a chat,

all my love and lots of hugs


03-05-08, 09:19
hiya bill like smudgie i know why you feel like this and a knock like this can bring you down but there are always going to be people like that who unfortnulately dont want to help themselves, so you cant blame your lovely self.

As for that song bill you can do all those things its just been a long time since you have trully been able to be yourself and think about you but it can be done, its down to confidence and because of your situation i trully understand how difficult it must be for you but you can do it bill you are very strong, do something for you for a change anything but it will make you feel brilliant:hugs: im always here if you need to chat and remember you are a strong person else you would not be here and you are caring and sensitive and deserve some happiness everyone does so do it bill anything to make you feel like the good inside, write a list of all the things you as a person would love to do if you could but only things for you and see what from that list you could do, you are lovely bill keep posting:bighug1: